Maria in Danger

Julio and Midas had just gotten done cleaning up Midas' cabin when Julio's face changed visibly, with signs of fear and anger showing themselves ever more gradually. Midas noticed this and asked Julio what could be wrong.

Without speaking, Julio waved his hands and showed Midas a communication between him and Maria, his new girlfriend.


| Network: Julio Gabriel Alvarez |


Julio: I want to take you away from the Coalition that treats people like disposable trash and bring you into my Group where you can be free and live well. It's a place where you can eat well too. A place where we can be together.

Julio: If you accept, please give me an answer as soon as possible.

Maria: I'm so sorry, Julio. They know about us.

Maria: Julio they want you to come and give yourself in. They also want you to bring Midas.