The Edge of Life and Death

Midas hopped down from the wall leaving a dazed Julio staring at his receding. What was he doing now? Using his appraisal skills to check the information of the demons? 

That was a good plan. If they could understand more about the demons, then they would have some ideas on how to go against them.

Midas immediately used his trusty [Eye of Judgement] and what he saw was shocking, to say the least.


| Species RXSD57566 |


Current State: Deceased (All signs of Life extinguished)

Information: These existences live in packs of up to thousands with one leader who is the strongest. They will obey the leader, even dying for him if need be. They are blind and rely on their sense of hearing and smell to see the world in more detail.

Abilities: [Intimidation Lv. 1A], [Berserk Lv. 1D], [Enhanced Sensing Lv. 2F]


 | Intimidation Lv. 1A |