Cloak and Dagger

Before anyone could stop him, Midas had already leapt off the wall, shuttling towards the beast.


The Bloody Sandworm screeched with anticipation as it manipulated the sand on the desert floor around it into an armour that flowed on its body. It was waiting for Midas to get close enough before it activated the armour into spikes that would puncture holes in Midas' body.

It would then swallow him whole, leaving nothing behind before leaving.

At least that was the plan according to Midas' estimates. As he flew towards the demon's mouth Midas was calculating when to put on the brakes. It would only be a split-second chance.

When Midas sprang towards the beast, he had been aiming for its mouth that was lined with concentric rings of teeth. Now that he was getting closer to the mouth, would the beast let go of this free lunch?

Midas was offering himself up, for free!