Never Fear the Darkness…

Midas could only watch as the sky turned darker and darker until everything in the distance became pitch black. The only good thing was the incredible view of the stars in the sky.

Based on the constellations up there, Midas could tell that they were probably not in their Solar System. He could not see the famous big twelve constellations that people were used to seeing on Earth, like the Capricorn or Sagittarius.

This could mean he was very far from Earth, or the entire skyline was a simulation.

Midas was hoping it was the second option. Although he fancied himself an adventurer and a pioneer, he still wanted to have some connection to his roots.

In his language, there's a proverb that goes, "Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu." Loosely translated, this meant, "A person is only a person because of people."