The Life of a Subordinate

The Paradise Clan was small-sized, made up of elites and stragglers from the Paradise Group and the Coalition. The 54 people in the Clan had hit it off in the First Trial and gotten along well ever since. 

Life in the First Trial was easygoing, and everyone was content and well-fed. If there was one major problem, it was the fact that there was minimal entertainment ever since they were practically forced to sign the Non-Agression Pact.

Their days were spent idling away, taking drugs, and gambling on card and dice games. This was not enough though… Especially after the lives they had led in the first few weeks. The Clan Members could not help but feel like they wanted more women!! More sex!!

They used to be Kings. John had over 40 girls in his "employ", all beauties, all down for any play they wanted. The Paradise Village was the place to be and when they were there, everyone would bow down to them because they were richer and more powerful than everyone else.