Shady Undertones

Midas opened his eyes, leaving the semi-meditative state he had put himself in to bear with the [Memory of the World] Skill. He had found that the way [Memory of the World] worked would affect him by giving him full memories of lives he had never lived, leaving him confused and dazed at times.

Being in a calm state allowed him to view the happenings as an observer, kind of like a third person who could watch and see everything but remain unaffected. If Midas didn't do this, he felt that he might get some contamination in the form of instincts, values, morals and goals from the people whose memories he was living.

Although at that moment his face seemed calm, in his heart he was curious and amused. Midas had just found out that two of his Council Members did not trust him. That was 20% of his Council who felt the need to smile in his face but plot behind his back.