
{Bonus Chapter 2/3}


| Species RXER2323282 |


Current State: Alive

Information: These Existences rule the skies and live on the coldest peak of the Mountain. Their bodies are capable of living there without difficulty though as they are living flames. They do whatever they like and eat whatever they like with very few exceptions.

Abilities: [Body of Flames Lv. 1S], [Flame Manipulation Lv. 1S], [Fear Lv. 1A]


 | Body of Flames Lv. 1S |

 [Body turns into a white/blue flame that is fuelled by energy and annihilates anything that is touched]



 | Flame Manipulation Lv. 1S |

 [Release orange flames that burn anything to crisps and control flames in all entirety, making them larger or smaller at will]
