The dragons soared through the skies, their mighty outstretched wings slicing through the air as they carried the group toward their destination.
As Midas sat on the back of Amaranya, he marvelled at the surreal beauty of the world below him, that seemed to be shrouded in a sea of black only to be illuminated by the lights when Midas and his people passed by.
This darkness told a story of how this planet had been operating for millenia. Midas found that fascinating.
["What are you looking at?"] came a message in his panel. The message came from a person that was seated behind him and when he looked back, he saw Gwen gazing at him in curiosity, her arms holding onto his waist tightly but gently, keeping her in place behind him.
Midas still found this situation interesting. Why did she choose to ride on the outside? And why with him?