What a Tangled Web We Weave…

The problem was how to make that happen.

Midas had found himself in a predicament that was caused by the natural curiosity of his people, dragging the half-living body of an Alien into the Living Box and confining it after the situation became confrontational with the Alien's Clan.

They had been accused of kidnapping, even though technically they had saved the Alien's life.

Worse still, the Clan had demanded compensation, offering two options: pay a fee of 50 million AC for suffering and damages or become a Subordinate Clan to their Master Clan.

The progression of all these events was absurd and utterly unacceptable. It was almost as if they had been lured into a trap. At least that was what it felt.

Rather than succumbing to the pressure, Midas, ever he thinker, decided to confront everything coming towards him proactively and efficiently.