
As the first rays of sunlight gently filtered through the animal skin roof, Midas blinked his eyes open, greeted by the familiar sight that had become his morning ritual.


It would've been great if it was a dream. But day by day, it was proving to be far from it and Midas soon concluded that this was going to be his reality from now on.

A reality in another body that was less handsome than his original body.


The thought of yet another day in this enigmatic Trial stirred a mix of frustration and curiosity within him.

Frustration, because even after five years in this new life, he still had no idea what was being asked of him.

And curiosity because he had come up with a daily routine that had helped him greatly in the past few months and he was about to start it at that moment.

But still…

What twisted game was this, to be reborn in the body of a newborn back on earth?