The Xhaqa Tribe’s Expansion

The guard, Nton'e, could hardly believe his eyes, even as he and Midas were carrying the Lion's dead body back to the city. 

He was touching a Lion. 

The king of the plains was lying dead in his arms, its weight heavy and its tongue slipping out of its mouth.

Midas had done the impossible, facing down a lion with nothing but his wits, a weird bow, and his blade. It was a feat of courage and skill beyond compare.

Even at that moment as they carried the body on top of a stretcher and struggled with its weight, the person who struggled the most being the little guy, Nton'e had a stupid smile on his face.

With the lion's carcass in tow, Midas and his guard returned to the city and even at the gate where a few other warriors were, as soon as they saw what Midas and the guard were carrying, they could not hold themselves back, screaming and ululating in surprise and happiness...