The Age of Discovery

Midas read on, his non-existent face taking on a weird expression as he did so.

"Inspired by the Elder Tree's teachings, we the Skylarm vowed to go beyond the mistakes of our ancestors and in doing so, go beyond the horizon into the reaches of space to begin the construction of our first spaceport.

Using this spaceport we will spread the Elder Tree's Doctrine across the stars to anyone who has ears to hear and eyes to see."

Spaceport? They were going to create a spaceport?

It had only been forty years right?

These little guys were way too quick.

Even if the knowledge was well laid out for them in their logs and history, but still, there must have been some lag in understanding it.

And yet they showed no lag in making the knowledge work for them again, even going ahead and building a spaceport as the first thing.