Man is Wolf to Man

Midas found himself making plans for an hour and some until he was called over for lunch by the housekeeper, who knocked on his door and said, "Sir… The Madam asked me to call you up and tell you that Lunch is ready."

Midas heard the crisp voice and sat up before replying, "Thank you. Could you tell her I'm coming?"

"Of course, sir," said the woman before leaving the door's vicinity, the clacking of her shoes the only thing she left behind as she walked away, allowing Midas to smile.

Okay… act naturally, as if nothing happened.

Midas stood up, grabbed his walking stick and used it to walk over to the door before opening the door and then walking out into the hallway a few more metres away, he was able to see his mother sitting at the dining table with the housekeeper serving her lunch.