Blessings and Rewards

Midas found himself back in the white room and this time he looked around sceptically just waiting for the walls to start melting and changing colours just like before.

`Don't worry, it won't happen again.` came the voice of the Administrator, seemingly amused with Midas' honest reaction.

`Did I ever come here last time?` asked Midas, a wry smile on his face.

`The answer to that is an obvious No. You were taken straight to the next Trial from the moment your body went into the Gate. You did well considering you had no instructions or guide. 

The Trial of Will is the Trial that always eliminates the most Chosen and it is like that for a reason. Those without the Will to move forward and seek the truth do not deserve the wisdom of the ancients. Pat yourself on the back, young one.`

Midas heard this and smiled, saying, `Thank you, Administrator.`