Pearl Barber?

Midas had just solved question 24 when the purple fragments of light started coming together as they usually did to form a Substant Spawn, eliciting a state of focus from Midas. He had been through the rodeo enough to understand that there was no actual need for the tricks anymore.

Midas used to think his ideas, which were a foundation for his ability to attack and defend himself, needed to be logical to be strong. But recently, he discovered something else.

He would prevail in the end if his idea was strong enough, even if it was a delusional fake idea.

Actually, the ideas that were deep-seated and rooted in delusions were the strongest, and Midas recently often used these types to win.

That was why when the Ghost formed, its face and body looking oddly like a human's as it floated in the air, ready to do major damage, Midas did not panic at all.