Preparation: The Father of Success

"Get together, everyone!" said Link, looking around intently, his eyes flashing white lights as he did. It seemed he was searching for Midas, wasn't he?

Cute. But it wouldn't work. Not right now, at least. Midas was too deep in, having hidden every trace of himself with [Hidden Divinity].

Right then, it was as if he didn't even exist as even the Intent Domain he was radiating was completely hidden from sight. But that did not stop it from working at 100% as it whirred yet again, propelling Midas forward to his next victim.

Although Link and his people were separated by thousands of kilometres, Link had shouted that out with immense energy and everyone soon heard what he said. One of those people who heard and saw everything was Alicia and she had finally realised that their plan had backfired on them. But how had Midas done it?

Travelling through a portal was like travelling through a wormhole, or what scientists call an Einstein-Rosen bridge.