Allysian Demon!


Explosions rang out as the Dragons sent their own balls of flame hurtling forwards, neutralising the flare bombs, before flying forth, splitting up and attacking the two assailants in teams of ten each.

"Helga, what are you waiting for?" asked Link, realising that things would probably get a bit more difficult before they got easier. And yet Helga, his trusted partner was lagging behind in such a blatant fashion.

"Don't mind me, I was just wondering when you'd stop playing around," said Helga leaping backwards and flying away, trying to outrun the Approaching Dragons, one of which was Amaranya who was leading the pack, a ferocious expression on her and her kin's faces.

Helga noticed this and the sliver of a smile made it to the corner of her mouth, something that would never escape the senses of the Dragons who flew even faster than before.