Beware the Crazy Look...

Midas, never one to back down in a tongue fight, invaded Gwen's mouth with his own tongue first, eliciting another moan from her as she pushed her body onto his, begging to be taken.

How could Midas disappoint?

While kissing her deeply, Midas grabbed her waist and then let his hand rove lower and lower until they grabbed onto something else. Something positively astounding and perky, that made one of his body parts perk up.

That's right, little man. It's time for action.

Gwen was on the tips of her toes because of Midas' height, but Midas soon picked her up by her upper thighs and let her wrap her legs around his lower body as they continued tongue wrestling for another moment until Gwen pulled back, letting Midas move his attacks to her neck.