Dead-Eyed Monster!

In a few seconds afterwards, Helga tried to come up with all sorts of reasons for Midas to stop, but all she got was a dead stare from the man who would stare down at his lap at times as if he was lamenting the fact that her ass was not on it.

Fucking Perv! Bastard! Cold-Blooded Freak!

But no matter how much she insulted him in her mind and in reality, the fear that was taking over her very being was not something she could fight against. At least not with the things she needed to do in future. 

She still had so much she wanted to accomplish. She still had things to do, places to go, people to see, people to kill, one of them being the man still sitting right in front of her. 

She knew Midas did not want to kill her. This was obvious to her by now, and she had found out how he would enjoy himself. By torturing her and breaking her. Whether she would allow something like that was another thing entirely.