Living up to The Authority

"Hmm… I don't know. It feels way too convenient, don't you think so?"

Helga, understanding her delicate situation, knew she could not give Midas any sort of advantage. This was why even if he was right, she had to make him doubt himself, because his doubt would translate to her increased chances of safety.

This would have been a good plan if Helga was the only person he could rely on for an opinion. Unfortunately, there was someone else.

`Liber, what do you think?` said Midas, causing Helga's eyebrows to raise in confusion as she turned her head left to right questioningly.

Liber? Who the hell was Liber? And where were they?

Also if Midas trusted them so much, could Helga gain an advantage somehow by either appealing to them or getting closer to them? And why was Midas speaking in Uzgiyesh?