Sick Scenes in Shanghai

— At a once busy street in Shanghai —

While everyone else had already rushed to their homes amidst the smog and volcanic smoke filled skies and streets, two people were leisurely walking around, and even the occasional rumbling of the Earth couldn't shake them.

If anyone saw them, they would immediately recognise them as one of the few very famous people in these last few years. They would then wonder what the hell these two were doing in such a desolate place, that even humans were reluctant to walk in.

One of them was Midas who was being dragged around from shopping plaza to shopping plaza by a ravenous ghost of a woman, and the other, the ravenous ghost, was Gwen, who seemed intent on taking all the good clothes that existed for herself.

What she would use them for was beyond Midas. What he was more concerned about was her callous attitude to human life.