Revisiting a Ruined World

Jasmine soon left Midas' embrace after the man thoroughly convinced her of her weakness concerning those who turned on him. She said something about getting stronger and Midas said as long as she could reach the Awakened Realm she and him would have some "sexy time".

With her eyes ablaze, she left Midas shaking his head in disappointment. Midas had tried all kinds of methods and yet this one was the one that worked best. And yet why was he not surprised? Shaking his head, Midas realised he also had some work to do, so he got back to it. 

It seemed the whole Clan was busy at that moment. And Midas again was the motivator of it all. Time passed and a week later, the world was completely different.

On the outside, a ruined world was hanging at its edge as beasts roamed the destroyed streets in droves having completely overtaken modern society. It looked like a scene from an apocalypse.