Entering the Limitless Library

A storm was coming. What was he to do with this information? He was too weak right now, even he knew that. Hearing it from Liber, someone whom Midas considered to have more wisdom than him, made Midas understand the seriousness of the situation.

But Midas was still curious. What did it all mean? 

`Don't you want to head down there and check it out?` Liber excitedly said. But Midas was a bit nervous now for some reason. And he could not get what Liber had just said out of his mind, so he felt like now was the best time to find out about it.

`Can you tell me what the 21 stars mean? Can you also tell me about the storm you spoke of?` said Midas, still hovering above the hole that had already stopped glowing brightly.

Liber paused as if he was not completely sure what to say. But Midas figured it must not be that, but rather how to phrase it properly so Mids understood it according to his level of being and exposure to the world.