Blood Scaled Rex!!

The ground shook beneath their feet as the Beasts, driven by desperation and their orders, launched their final assault. Their claws glinted in the light of the sun as they lunged forward, only to be met with walls of unwavering resistance as the cultivators attacked with weapons and methods that inspired shining lights and explosions. 

The Energy Weapons hummed with an eerie intensity, each beam and swing slicing through the Beasts' flesh like a hot knife through butter. That was also the time Midas heard the first casualty coming from his people as they unluckily met their ends.

Midas did not like this, but what could he do about it? This was war after all. He and everyone else had to fight because that was what was waiting for them if they didn't. Anyway, Midas knew that their deaths would make everyone realise how serious the situation was and drive them to desperation.