Wrong Dress

"How would you like me to style your hair, My Lady?" Lyra asked as brushed Adelia's locks gently.

Adelia sighed. "How else?" She demanded. "Do it the way you normally do. I'm not going anywhere special today. I'll just be in the orchard practicing my archery or reading."

"It certainly didn't sound that way to me, My Lady." Lyra countered. "You rushed me like you had a meeting to attend urgently."

Adelia let out a weak laugh. Her maid's guess was too close to home.

She stood up almost immediately after Lyra was done Gathering her locks into a single braid and gave herself a once over in the mirror before she hurried towards the door.

"Be careful, My Lady." Lyra chided. "You know running is forbidden in the Castle halls."

Adelia rolled her eyes. "I wasn't going to run." She said before she pulled her doors open, stepped into the hallway and started heading straight for the dining room.