Lee Know - Party

(not a smut, but there's quite a lot of spice. A little fight scene too, but not too much detail)

You were walking down the street with your best friend Lee Know. You've had a crush on him for 2 years now but was too scared to tell him.

Today you were going to a party your friend Han invited you to. He was the most popular and richest guy at your school, so he invited everyone.

A while later you arrived at his mansion. You would have mistaken it for the King's and Queen's palace if you hadn't already been there before.

Lee Know knocked and Han's servant Seungmin, who you knew very well, opened the door.

"Hello! Come in, come in" he said and stepped aside. You bowed and walked in.

"I'll go find Hannie; you stay here until I come back, okay?" Lee Know said. You nodded.

You were kinda sad, but you knew he did it for your safety. If you left; it would be impossible to find you in the massive crowd again. Plus, you didn't have any other friends except Han, Lee Know and a few of the servants here.

You weren't a loner, just one of the less popular.

A little while later, Lee Know came back and shrugged. "I couldn't find him". "How did you expect to find him anyways?" you grinned. He looked at you "Gave it a shot I guess."

Suddenly one of the girls came over, "Lee Know oppa!! Come and dance with me".

Just because you weren't popular, didn't mean Lee Know wasn't. All the girls from your class talked about him. You didn't really care anymore, but still.

He quickly waved and left. How did he get to leave when you didn't? You crossed your arms and went to the bar.

You weren't much of a drinker, but right now you didn't have much else to do.

While taking a sip from your drink, you saw Han leaning on the counter from the other side.

He caught you staring and made his way over to you. "Y/N-ieeeeee, wanna dance with me?" he was clearly drunk.

"Han, you're drunk. I don't think it's a good idea" you said.

He started crawling over the counter, "I'm not drunk. Pleaseeee, I really want to dance." Without warning you, he grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the dance floor.

He stumbled every now and then but made his way without tripping.

"Han, I really don't think we should do this" you said. You've seen Han drunk before; not the prettiest sight. He would get real crazy.

"You're really pretty" he said with a smirk pulling you closer.

"Han- "he cut you off by placing his finger on your lips. "Why are you resisting me? Just give in... What could possibly go wrong love?".

You were starting to get really uncomfortable, but Lee Know was out of your sight and running would be really hard between all these people.

"Han, please stop" you said in a stern voice. He started kissing you down your neck "Why? Why should I?".

"Get off!!" you tried pushing him, but his grip was too tight.

"YAH! GET OFF OF HER!" a familiar voice yelled.

The guy pushed the people standing in his way away, while walking over to you. He grabbed Han by his collar and smacked him to the ground with a loud thump.

"Who gave you rights to touch another person's body without their consent?!" he yelled.

People stopped dancing to stare at the scene developing in front of them.

"Let's just go Y/N" Lee Know grabbed your arm and dragged you with him out of the party.

He was holding a little too tight, so when he released his grip, his hand left a mark on you. "Did I make that?" he asked, suddenly realising the situation. He looked hesitant to touch you, "I'm so sorry..."

"it's okay... Thank you" you said. He looked into your eyes, you could see how sad and disappointed he looked. Not in you, but Han.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, if I hadn't left- "you cut him off by kissing him.

He was quite surprised at first but slowly got comfortable and kissed you back.

He pushed you against the wall and deepened the kiss. Soon turning it into a make out session.

He pulled away, "let's continue this somewhere else." He said smirking.

You grabbed his hand and walked back home.