Felix - Waiter

It was your birthday today, therefore you decided to treat yourself by going to your favourite restaurant.

You were currently living alone and took online classes, so you couldn't really celebrate with anyone. You liked it like that though.

You opened the door and the smell of your favourite type of food flowed through the air. With a satisfied sigh, you found a table and called for the waiter.

It had been years since you've last entered here, so many new faces were popping up; luckily a few of the old ones could still be spotted.

A few seconds later, a waiter appeared. It was one of the new ones.

"Hello, can I take your order?" He asked.

You were silent for a bit; his handsome face looked like it had been carved by a professional and his cute freckles were adorable. It took you a while to snap out of your dreamland, but when you did you noticed he smirked a little.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you before. We offer a discount if it's your first time" He said.

"Oh, no I'm not new, it's just been a really long time since I was here last." You said.

"Okay then, can I take your order?" He asked.

"Right, sorry. Can I have (your favourite food) please?" You said.

He scribbled down something on his notepad, before leaving to give the chef your order.

You were left as a flustered mess. Why did you keep staring at him? Sure, he was handsome, but that wasn't a reason to stare.

It didn't take long before your food came and this time it was a different waiter. Probably because the other one was uncomfortable.

You thanked the waiter and began eating. A few bites in, you noticed a little piece of paper beside your plate.

You looked around before slowly opening it. (I don't know why lol, you just did)

"Wait for me after the restaurant closes – Felix the handsome guy, with freckles". It said.

You rolled your eyes; he probably noticed you staring.

You checked the time; 2 hours till they close. Why did he want you to wait so long!?

With a sigh you finished eating and waited till they closed.

-2 hours later-

The restaurant finally closed. It took a while before Felix came over, but luckily, he didn't just forget about you.

"Let's go outside." He said with a smile.

You went out the door, consuming the cool, fresh air. You found a bench and decided to talk there.

"So, why did you wanna talk, handsome Felix with freckles?" You said jokingly.

He smiled "I don't know; just felt like it. You seemed really nice, and I wanted to get to know you more." He paused; thinking before continuing.

"Can I have your number, so I can contact you again?" He asked.

"Sure!" You said and took out your phone. This would be your very first friend ever and you decided to make your friendship last a lifetime.

Felix typed in his number and named himself "Handsome guy with freckles". You giggled before giving him your number.

It has now been a few years and you still remember this moment. It was very special for you, and you've carried it with you through all this time.

Last year Felix actually asked you out. It didn't come as a surprise, since you guys got quite close.

The friendship didn't last a lifetime, however it bloomed into something precious.