
It's been a week of time in this peaceful world. There is one thing that is quite interesting among the many things that happened during the week. Four days ago, Aldrich and the language translators he met had turned up nothing from the magical footage taken when the foreign man came to the palace that night.

Finally the next day, Aldrich decided to bring the language interpreter together with a foreign man who was imprisoned in the palace dungeon. It's just that they found something strange there when the interrogation officers tried to interrogate the person with a language translator. The stranger looked even more strange than his physique was starting to blister and looked as if he was screaming but no sound was heard from the scream. And in the end the stranger died on the spot instantly without anyone knowing the cause.

The language translator who is also a traveling magician confirmed that this had something to do with the black magic curse. As a result of that incident, Aldrich decided to increase the security of the country's borders and pratoli in every city in the kingdom. And where did I get all this information, of course I got it from Kris the butler of the palace.

I don't understand a little why the stranger I met became that bad when he met the palace interrogation officers. I don't think my mind control magic is that bad at curbing the mind of the person affected by it. Even with my current magical aura capacity it would be impossible to kill someone from within with just mind control. I'm sure that it's not just karma from him who has done evil, but from someone's actions too.

I'm currently taking a leisurely walk around the palace. While Venus was sleeping because before I told her to come back to the room during the hottest afternoon at the moment. Summer still goes by quietly, so noon is the perfect time for a siesta.

Trying not to think too much about the information I got yesterday, I decided to go to the palace's training room. Slightly different from the large room next to it which had an open roof, this training room was enclosed with a smaller size. There you can see many statues made of rice straw tied together to resemble humans in neat rows. Near the arena fence are gun racks for practice. Starting from the smallest, namely shooting knives and daggers, to the large ones, namely spears and shields. There are bows and swords of different sizes.

I walked closer to one of the shelves where there was a wooden sword usually used for practice. To be honest I wanted to immediately grab the iron sword beside him which looked pretty and shiny, but I'm sure for now I won't be strong enough to lift that sword. I tried to slowly swing the wooden sword in my right hand and directed my gaze towards the straw man in the arena.

So far I've been holding back from practicing using a sword.. but it's also nice when I can relax my muscles by practicing swords for a while..

Forming a stance, I tried to play the sword in front of the straw man. I won't be able to move too freely this time since I'm wearing a dress which is a bit of a hassle. But if someone saw me wielding a wooden sword in a sparkling dress in the middle of the arena above ground, what would be at least in their minds huh.

"Is the princess interested in becoming a swordswoman?"

Thinking that those were my presumed thoughts that turned out to be spoken by someone else really surprised me. It completely knocked me off balance and sent me crashing to the ground. I turned around and saw someone running up to me with a worried look.

Wait a minute, I think I know this guy..

"Princess, are you all right?" asked the person while holding out his hand to me.

"You are.." I paused a little before finally grabbing that person's hand.

"My apologies for not greeting you first and startling you. Greetings young Southeastern Angelise, I am Stevenson Markley greeting the princess," said the man politely with a slight bow.

Stevenson Markley. He is Aldrich's right-hand man. Not only as the king's right-hand man, he also became the king's guard knight. Even though I'm sure their king is stronger without bodyguards, I'm sure it's just an alibi so that no enemy targets the king. If I hear stories from Rasya or Kris, Stevenson is a young man from the common people who was raised by Aldrich himself because Aldrich is sure of Stevenson's abilities. Aldrich brought Stevenson to the palace to train as a martial artist when he was 15 years old. Of course I'm sure Valencia wasn't born then because when I came here, that man was already standing beside the king in full uniform.

I guess when I saw him for the first time he looked quite young maybe around twenty or not yet?

"Dad's right hand?" I asked.

"Correct. You can call me Stev, princess," Stev replied calmly.

"I see."

I turned my gaze to the wooden sword that fell on the ground. I decided to clean my dress slowly while thinking about what things to say to the person in front of me.

"Sorry if I'm being presumptuous and asking again, are you interested in becoming a swordswoman, princess?" he asked.

Alright, to be honest I really want to say if yes I'm interested. But I guess some people wouldn't be happy to hear that a ten year old princess is interested in wielding a sword and becoming a martial artist. Freya as Valencia's mother is the best witch in the Southeastern continent. Valencia as her daughter would of course have many people's wishful thinking of becoming a great magician as well in the future. And Aldrich as a father is the greatest swordmaster who will most likely have a successor in his son that is Venus. The view of most people in this world is that children's talent, judging by their parents, can also affect the royal family.

So what's a ten year old little princess to say...

"Hmm, I don't know. I just feel that the sword is beautiful, but I can't lift the shiny one," I said casually while pointing at the iron sword on one of the shelves.

"So I just take something that I think is light," I continued.

"I see. But if I may say, if you are interested in swords or weapons there is nothing wrong with it."

I looked at Steve who was smiling kindly at me. I turned my gaze back to the iron sword and gave a slight smile.

"Then if you're not busy can I see some cool moves with those weapons," I said trying to give a childlike expression of interest.

Before, I wasn't sure that this act of asking with the cute expression on a child's face could make the king's right-hand man melt and obey me. But in fact right now I was sitting on the edge of the arena and Stev was choosing a weapon in the arena.

Yes, I think I'm pretty good at making that pleading expression.. but I don't want to look in the mirror, really..

"Are you sure you're not busy, Stev?" I asked to make sure.

"Don't worry princess, I told you before that I was just casually walking around."

It's not about that either, I'm just afraid that this person will get into trouble from Aldrich for skipping work because I kept him here. Because later I might get caught too right..

"I'll show you some simple moves with the lightest weapon first, princess," said Stev from the middle of the arena.

I nodded in response to start off the little show. Stev started with the smallest weapon, namely the shooting knife. A shooting knife is slightly different from a dagger, because it is smaller than a dagger. The shape is similar, but shooting knives are usually in one bag equipped with ten shooting knives. The jet-black color of the blade looks like a high-speed bullet when thrown.

Stev uses the weapon skillfully and well. He also said that a small weapon like this is suitable for close range and also long range for a certain distance. But it will be better at close range, because for some people, especially swordmasters who have high sensitivity to movement, shooting knives are not good for long distances when fighting them.

The show continues, starting with daggers, archery, swords and spears. All the moves that Stev showed were very light and a simple fighting style that could be used for long fights. I'm sure he is very good at using a sword because on his belt there is a sword with a beautiful dark red carving. But I didn't think that person could also play with the spear very well.

The spear was a large weapon that weighed twice or even three times as much as a sword. It would be quite difficult to control it lightly and freely like a sword. Even so, the spear is a very good weapon for all conditions at close and long range.

After showing the last weapon, Steve seemed to smile happily and heaved a sigh of relief. I stood up and walked over to the arena while clapping my hands.

"That's so awesome!! You are amazing!!" I praised.

"I'm only fulfilling the order of the princess," replied Steve bowing respectfully.

"That big gun, isn't it really heavy?"

"Ah this is a spear, for some people who are not used to it it is true that it is quite heavy to swing, princess."

"That looks great."

"That's right princess, but this weapon is better used during big wars for a team of warriors using spears."

"Is that true? Wouldn't it be great to use a sword?"

"That's right, I'm also a sword user, but for some conditions the spear is more advantageous in big battles. It's just that because of its large size, it's a little difficult to use a spear in small-scale battles," said Stev.

The explanation that Stev gave was quite accurate and correct. But I've heard someone say, that person roughly said 'if you can't move faster than the wind then use a sword, but if you can then use a spear'. In my world I could be said to be very proficient in using that huge weapon in any kind of battle. It's just that sometimes I feel that if a sword is enough, why use a scary big weapon like a spear.

"Alright, that's new knowledge for me. Thank you."

"This is nothing princess. I'm glad if I can help you."

I nodded and tried to show the movements of a child in thought. There were several plans going through my head when I saw Stev using the previous weapons. So I'm going to start making a temporary bait. I looked back at Stev who had put back the spear he used earlier.

"What's wrong princess?" asked Stev confused.

"Hmm no, I'm just thinking whether mom and dad will let me try practicing to use these weapons," I said with a confused intonation.

"If you ask for permission with a compelling reason, I think their majesty the king and majesty the queen will permit you, princess."

"Is that so? That's you who said it, not me."

"Ah you see, I'm just giving you a few suggestions, princess."

I glanced at the man and chuckled a little when I was sure that Stev would also be worried if I said this to Aldrich or Freya.

"Hm just like this, please keep it a secret if I'm interested in using weapons. If you want to say you showed your skills to me, that's up to you because that's what I asked. I will look for the right time to ask permission from dad,"I explained.

"By your will, princess," replied Stev respectfully.

I smiled and asked Steve to return to his work. The man bowed respectfully and quickly walked away leaving me alone inside the deserted closed arena. I walked slowly to the wooden sword rack and took out two swords from there. A scroll-shaped magic aura spun quietly above my hand, I inserted the sword into my storage magic circle.

I think I will need this sword for the next few days.


Large dining table in the middle of a magnificent room with beautiful chandeliers hanging. There were various kinds of hot dishes on the big table that looked very delicious. In one dining table there are about ten dining chairs lined up neatly around it. But now there were only four people chatting casually there.

"..finally after that I fought back and darr!! I win!!" said a small child with enthusiasm.

"Neil, finish your meal in peace," I grumbled.

"Why? Sis Val told me to sleep this afternoon, but in fact I was at war at that time!" replied the child did not accept.

"This place is quite peaceful without any war going on," I replied casually.

Aldrich and Freya seemed happy to hear the small debate between me and Venus at the dinner table. If I've ever said I don't like kids, then this is why I don't like them. Somehow I really feel like a kid arguing with other kids. Their random thoughts make my mind go random and follow their path without me noticing it.

"You guys huh, do you have any problem with that," said Aldrich in surprise.

"I don't blame him really?" I said surprised.

"Me neither!" Venus replied following.

"Then it's the dad who blames himself," Aldrich said resignedly.

"Never mind, you won't understand," Freya said chuckling.

"I'm just trying to understand," Aldrich replied.

The family dinner quieted down again as Venus started to say something else.

"Mom, can we take a trip to the capital again?" he asked.

"Hm, I think for a while it's better to stay in the palace, dear," Freya said softly with a worried look.

I think I quite understand why Freya is showing such an expression.

"Hah, why mom?" Venus asked disappointed.

"The state of the capital has not been very safe for a while, so what your mother said is true if it is better and it will be safe to be in the palace," Aldrich replied.

"For how long?" Venus asked again.

"..about that dad is not sure either."

Venus seemed to lower her face and chose to continue finishing her food. I could see the uncomfortable looks Aldrich and Freya were showing. Because basically they are loving parents, but still they have to be firm in limiting the threats that will come to their children.

"The palace is spacious, you can walk around for a whole day."

My words received inexplicable looks from Aldrich and Freya. I did intend to tease the little boy a bit, and I guess they were both on alert to get mad if I uttered a sentence that sounded harsh to a kid.

"I know, but the capital is a little different, sis Val," replied Venus gloomily.

I guess this kid didn't catch my sarcastic tone just now, luckily..

"What's different?" I asked trying to divert the topic.

"Like, uh sis Val must know that the capital is full of all kinds of cool food and stuff!!"

"Like what?"

Venus began to explain in detail what was in the capital that he knew about. The little boy who at first looked gloomy now got excited little by little because he explained the things he knew. I guess Aldrich and Freya should be thanking me since I was able to control this little kid's mood.

"..like that!!" closes the story of Venus.

"All right, I understand now. Thank you for explaining it to me," I replied with a smile.

Venus, who felt that he had told something valuable, according to him, showed the proud face of an innocent child. It's quite cute to watch until Freya takes out a spherical image-capturing artifact to photograph Venus' expression.

"Yup, another collection of photos of my son," said Freya happily.

"Ah! Mom took my picture? How's my face? Handsome or not?" Venus asked successively.

"Hahaha what do you mean? Even though you are not as handsome as dad of course you are handsome, your handsomeness has dropped from me!" Aldrich said proudly.

Freya and I made expressions of disbelief as we stared at the man. Receiving that gaze, Aldrich only returned to showing off his white teeth while laughing in satisfaction. Meanwhile, Venus approached Freya to see her self-portrait. I shook my head and continued to finish my food.

After a long dinner, I decided to return to my room early. I asked Rasya not to ask other maids to help me change my pajamas or something. You could say I wanted to be alone in my room first. Actually not really, I locked my bedroom door and walked closer to my bed to make a mannequin from my magic aura. After resembling Valencia, I covered the mannequin with a blanket and made it look like he was hugging a pillow.

In a dark room with the window slightly ajar. A light breeze blew through the thin curtains showing the dim moonlight shining on my room. I took out the robe I had hidden in the box under my bed and put it on. The sound of loud flapping from outside the window made me turn my head there, and find two blue eyes staring at me quietly. I smiled faintly and walked slowly to the window and opened it.

"Let's go for a walk Lily."

I stretched out my hand to pet the white wolf's head. Lily looked towards the tree and I observed what Lily saw there. There is a bird with red feathers that seems to shine in the moonlight tonight.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Poo."

The bird that had come to me before dinner seemed to flap its wings several times until it finally flew in circles as if waiting for me to follow it. I switched to ride on Lily and the white wolf started flying with Poo as guide ahead of us.

The sight of us starting to fly down the hill and seeing the view of the capital from above at night was something that was breathtaking to me. The sparkling light of the stars and moon seemed to be in rhythm with the city lights below. I'm not going to lie if someday I will miss this sight.

Poo started to slowly fly low, and of course Lily and I kept close behind him. Right up in the forest on the outskirts of the capital, poo dived sharply down and it surprised me when Lily also dived sharply as if trying to catch up with him.

"..Lily you're not hunting right?!"

Lily stopped her dive and was in a balanced flight position, aka silent flight. I looked ahead and found a little boy with white hair who was also looking at me with Poo perched on his right arm. I could tell from the expression on the boy's face that looked surprised and made me scratch the back of my head. I tapped Lily twice and the wolf lightened its wings to land.

"Umm long time no see?" I greeted first while getting off Lily's back.

"Oh! That's right.. long time no see.. " replied the child slightly bowed stiffly.

I know that until now he didn't know my name because I didn't tell him. He didn't ask but he recognized me just by looking at me. Finally I decided to open the hood of my robe and looked straight into the eyes of the white-haired child in front of me.

"I assume you already know my name, you can call me Valencia, Carl."

Carl seemed to nod in understanding and chose to remain silent. The boy also stealthily stole a glance to see Lily who was still standing behind me. I think he was a little amazed and scared because I knew that at this moment Lily was looking at the two of them with her sharp gaze. Though I'm sure Lily is currently more focused on Poo because she wants to catch him.

"She's Lily, my best friend. Don't worry, she won't eat you," I said calmly.

I reached out my hand to stroke Lily's head to avert her eyes. Lily's size was naturally not this small, but for now her height almost rivaled that of a ten year old child. So it's no surprise that Carl is a bit wary of Lily. Even when Kris saw Lily for the first time during the Venus birth incident, he tried to show his guard.

"He's a little different ways," replied Carl.

Ways, I know the original forest-dwelling animals in this world. Ways does look like a wolf in my world, but they look scarier especially at night. Not a few cases of residents being attacked by a bunch of ways at night. They have two tails with sharp spines at the ends. Four eyes and long ears like a fox with a large body like a wolf. His dark gray hair color allows him to camouflage well at night. Sometimes several times I go to the forest they are my target to train my magic power.

"Yeah you could say she's the most special," I replied.

"By the way, you must have known I was coming here, right?" I asked.

"Of course.. Miss."
