
"William, there's something I want to know."

"Just ask, princess."

William focused his eyes on me. I glanced at the children who were currently having fun playing with the magic aura I gave them. The situation in the palace hall was quite noisy as they were running and trying to attack a doll that was moving around. Even the once bashful Reyna was now happily leading the other two boys. Such activity to watch, but if the maids saw this I might have already reported it to Freya.

"Do you currently hold the power of the Alberich family, William?"

"I don't know if you are concerned about that, princess."

I stared at the expression on the boy's face, but as usual William was very good at smiling calmly when talking to me about anything.

"I'm just asking. If you don't want to answer that's fine too," I said casually.

"No, I will answer it."

"Maybe if I were to guess, you heard some rumors about the Alberich family. I understand that, princess," said William, pausing.

"To your question, I can answer that I am currently in training to become the head of the Alberich family. However, because I am still too young, His Majesty the king provides convenience and comfort for me. His majesty the king will hand over the family rule until I am ready, and his majesty dictates until I get my debutante time."

Then at least in the next three or four years..

"Hmm, okay I understand. Thanks for answering that."

"You're welcome princess."

"Then you still have plenty of time to practice."

"I will do all my best."

I can't see any other expression apart from his calm face.

"Oh I just remembered something. By the way, do you know any Marquess in this kingdom?" I asked.

"Marquess? Do you mean the noble family of Owen who oversees the frontier region in the northwest of the kingdom?"

Owen, that's the name of the noble family in that area.

"I think you know that well."

"They're quite secretive.. I'm not too sure if they know me or not."

Why are you talking as if the title of duke is nothing?

"Then do you know about the Festival that was there two days ago?"

"Festival? Hmm I think I saw a brochure about a festival when I was walking on the streets of the capital.."

"What do you think about the Festival?"

Instead of answering right away, William turned to stare at me in silence for a moment. He seemed to smile slightly before answering my question.

"I didn't come there so I can't answer that. But I think you had time to visit there huh?" asked William with a pleased expression.

Cih, I did not say things that led to there.. how would he have intuition if I go there?

"You are crazy? Where can I go there when it's cold like this? After all I only heard about it from the maid.."

I'm sorry for the palace maid.. this child is quite sharp in guessing things..

"I'm sorry, I was just making a random guess, princess."

The child chuckled a little. Seeing from his original guess, for some reason he seemed to be mocking me. I chose to ignore the boy and turned to look back at the children who were still playing. William stayed quietly at a distance slightly away from me standing. But somehow he shifted his body to be a little closer to me. I glanced at him and I could see his serene expression looking at the children.

"I think I know something, princess," William said slightly lowering his voice.

"I will give it to the princess when I get it."


What does it mean is data set and location map in these papers?

In these papers there is data on the characteristics of several people that even I don't know what this means. But when I saw the list of items I was quite surprised and I concluded that this was data from people who would trouble the kingdom later. I turned to look at William who remained standing calmly in front of me.

"Where did you get this?"

"I have people I trust and give me this data."

Ho? I'm sorry but you look suspicious to me you know?

"Why don't you give it directly to the king or queen?" I asked.

"As I said before, I haven't gotten my title of duke yet due to being underage."

You're so good at talking with that bright and happy face of yours..

"What are you doing sis Val? Come and see this!" Venus exclaimed suddenly.

I looked up and I could see that a huge wave of aura that seemed uncontrollable was emitting from the direction Regis was sitting. It would be dangerous if the boy continued to force himself like that. I chose to keep the papers earlier in the box and put them into my storage scroll. As I walked past William, I whispered to the boy a bit before I finally released my aura to block Regis' aura waves.

"I take this. Thanks for that."


The days with clear skies that adorn every time you walk, seem to pass quickly. It's been four months that have passed through the long winter. Now it's time to enter spring which feels warm with the white snow replaced by the colors of spring. Today, the kingdom is quite busy because it prepares for the royal birthday every year. Royal flags and lavish decorations displayed on every street of the city show the distinct beauty of this warm city. People are very enthusiastic in preparing for their country's birthday.

The birthday event will be held from morning to midnight later. There will be the releasing of the lanterns and a big party in the palace. A royal birthday is something that should be celebrated with extravagance and pomp compared to the royal family's own birthday. Because this includes everyone in the Angelise region, the southeast region of the empire. People who live in the mountains and on the coast of the sea will come and gather in the middle of the city, they will participate in enlivening this big event which they have always been waiting for.

I planned to run away and take advantage of this rush to go out with Lily. I want to meet someone somewhere, so this is a good opportunity. I'll be back before dark because the first greeting is given by the royal family at the palace's grand altar. It would be very dangerous if there was news of the princess missing. But before I had told Freya, if I was going to play around the palace garden. In the garden there is a fairly large labyrinth, so they will have a little trouble if they want to find me. As long as Freya doesn't use her magic power to track me down.

"It's been a long time since I saw you," I said casually while telling Lily to fly closer and land, near someone who was looking very happy when she saw my arrival.

"Good afternoon southeastern light Angelise," greeted someone bowing respectfully.

"Tsk, don't use that greeting on me. You don't fit in at all, Carl," I say annoyed.

During the past winter I gave her various assignments and asked her to practice her own strength. Because in winter I do train with Freya more often, it keeps me from meeting that child. Even if I say, the last time I saw that child was at the start of winter. Even so, I continued to monitor the child from Kris, whom I could meet several times at the palace. At least there is still Kris who now visits Carl's house twice a month.

"Nana is the princess of this kingdom, I will give you that greeting," Carl said casually while chuckling.

"Yeah, whatever I do not care," I said indifferently.

"Nana know? I'm a little sad you didn't remember my birthday then."

"What? Didn't I tell you even though it's a little late?"

As we entered the beginning of the last month of winter, Carl sent his report to me with Poo being my vehicle for sending out my orders. Maybe it would be easier that time was during the new year in this world. The situation in the palace was busy enough that I didn't realize that Poo had visited my room. And I just remembered when I saw Kris and Rasya who told me there was poo in my bedroom window.

Yes, I would say for myself if I do forget about it a bit.

"Yes, I am happy to get a gift from you, Nana."

"That dagger will be of use to you."

"I will say thank you again to nana."

"By the way, did Nana come to teach me something new again?"

"No, today is an important day. I'm here to ask you to come to the western outskirts of the city," I said casually while taking out a roll of paper.

"Can't I come see the royal birthday party?"

"You will finish at eight in the evening, come back before the lanterns are blown away. You can still taste sweet snacks in the palace," I replied calmly.

"There's a bunch of bullies who will ruin everyone's hopes, come and clean them all up," I continued while handing him the scroll of paper I was holding.

I already knew about this incident because long before this big event was prepared, the spies that William sent reported that there was a suspicion of the entry of foreigners from the western region at midnight. And that is in accordance with the data that William provided at that time. I'm sure they'll spring into action when the ball goes on. And to prevent that I'm letting Carl take care of these annoying bullies.

"Nana, I will be right back according to your orders. Would you like me to bring you something?" asked Carl softly.

"Bring me the gemstones they brought. You will know after cleaning them all," I said and Carl nodded his head.

Before I wanted to climb on Lily's back, Carl slightly tugged at the robe I was wearing. I turned around and found the boy smiling warmly, but with the impression of someone who was shy.

"What theme will the princess wear at this party?" he asked.

I kept staring straight into his eyes. I just need to answer this question and go back to the palace.

"Blood of the deer, the king is in the mood for something pretty," I answered calmly.

I turned around and climbed on Lily's back. Carl looked down again with a smile etched on his face and waved his hand. The huge wings flapped and generated huge gusts of wind beneath them. I could see the young man's white hair screaming in the strong wind. I patted Lily on the shoulder and then flew towards the palace as fast as I could.

When I arrived at the palace, the maids already looked very worried looking for their missing princess. I decided to get off near the big tree in the middle of the labyrinth that not many people come to. After the clandestine business of the maids, it's time to prepare for the big event that's about to be held.


The sound of boisterous along the bustling city streets with lively people who welcome happily. Bright lights hung beautifully in every corner with the strains of musical instruments in every joke showing the festivity of this city. Banquets of food and soft drinks were neatly arranged inside the palace and along the city streets. Candles attached to a wire wrapped in cloth bearing the royal symbol, marked on the hands of each patient patiently waiting.

The large white door that directly faces the large courtyard of the palace is wide open with soldiers ready to lead the king and his family up the high altar. The king stepped onto the altar, and the nobles who had come gathered in the royal courtyard bowed and saluted simultaneously.

"Greetings, the great Southeastern Hope Star, may good things always be together," said everyone in unison without even an order.

I, who was standing right beside Freya's left, was quite amazed by all these people. Maybe this is not the first time, but I still feel amazed to see them bow before their king. That dashing and cold look full of authority was shown by Aldrich before the many people below. But I can assure you they will be very surprised when they see the original attitude of their king who will be very spoiled to his wife and children.

I see two different people..

"Greetings all members of the Angelise family. Today, in this place, on the land that we guarded long ago, the beloved land that we built from the beginning of human history. Even though we are getting older, it is a form of hope and struggle for everyone, the Angelise family," said Aldrich loudly.

The king's opening continued with a short speech delivered by Aldrich. It was followed by a typical song from the country of Angelise, sung by everyone from the palace to all corners of the capital. The sound of applause filled everyone's eardrums as the opening ceremony ended. Until the long-awaited moment, namely the release of the lantern with the royal coat of arms emblazoned on the white cloth of the lantern.

"To illuminate our sky that has overshadowed us all this time, we will put our hope in a glimmer of light that we will fly together," said Aldrich finally.

Everyone prepared by lighting the lanterns they were holding and bowing their heads to state their wishes for them. Aldrich turned and approached me while carrying a lantern that he took from one of the soldiers assigned to carry it. After standing right in front of me, Aldrich lit the lantern and gave it to me.

"Be the first to fly it, Valencia," said Aldrich softly.

"Shouldn't a king have to start it, huh?" I asked, slightly surprised by Aldrich's sudden action.

Because every year, Aldrich himself is the king who flies the lantern for the first time.

"It will be very beautiful, just do it," Aldrich warmly replied.

I turned to Freya and Venus who had been smiling broadly since earlier. They have brought a lantern to fly together too. I stared silently for a moment at the lantern that was proffered to me. By closing my eyes and chuckling a little softly, I took the lantern from Aldrich's hand.

"That's right, it will be very beautiful," I said calmly while slowly injecting my magic aura into the fairly large lantern.

I flew the lantern I was holding, followed by Freya's and Venus's. And other lanterns were flown together from the great courtyard of the palace and on every side of the capital's streets. The dim yellow light was like a flying star that was slowly and simultaneously returning to its natural setting in the sky up there. The night sky was seen covered with wisps of gray clouds against the black sky. There was not the slightest sight of the stars and the moon that lit up the sky above.

I stared silently at the lantern I flew earlier. When the height of the lantern was enough for what I was aiming for, I snapped my fingers carefully so as not to make too much noise. The lights that were burning in all corners of the city and palace went out at the same time. And of course it made everyone there confused and surprised by what was happening.

I had expected that the reach of the first wave of my lanterns couldn't extinguish the entire large part of the city. But at least it could extinguish the lights in the main area of the capital which was the gathering point for everyone there. It won't last long, so it will only happen until the time I have set.

I'm bored, so I want to show you something interesting..

And right when the lantern hit the clouds above. A burst of wind tore through the gathered clouds. Now look at a large cloud hole that displays sparkling points of light numbering thousands in the sky there. Even the beautiful moon tonight is very visible right in the dark sky full of stars. I can see that the people who saw it were very amazed to see this masterpiece of the creator in front of them.

After the lanterns were out of sight enough, the lights of the castle and town began to slowly burn in streaks. I apologized in my heart when I saw a maid telling Aldrich and Freya that the electricity condition was successfully restored after a technical error.

Hopefully there's no problem with the generator..

Aldrich asked everyone to eat the dishes that had been provided and get ready for the dance party. Everyone who was still quite confused by just now could only obey the king's orders and replay the scene in their memories silently.

The entire royal family went down the altar which was located on the second floor of the palace to be ushered back into the palace. After the big door was closed, Freya invited Venus and me to prepare for the next event. But just as I was about to follow the two of them from behind, Aldrich tapped me on the shoulder and smiled warmly.

"Dad and mom know that this amazing thing was your doing, my daughter," Aldrich said softly.

"It is beyond words very beautiful. Thank you," he continued, sounding sincere.

"Today it will rain, it is a blessing for the kingdom every year. But I want to see the sky decorated with other things besides rain, dad," I finally said after being silent because Aldrich's words were always beyond my expectations.

We're back to getting ready for the dance party. After being called out by someone mentioning which families were present, it was time for the royal family to enter the room. The theme of the attire worn by the royal family at the releasing of the lanterns is different from that of the ball tonight. Striking red clad in black and gold is attached to the bodies of royal members who walk gracefully and dignified into the ballroom. I could see everyone in the room amazed by the clothes we were wearing.

It looks beautiful, but this dress is really troublesome..

The event started with a speech delivered by Aldrich. And the event ran as it should without any interruptions present. I sat silently on the chair that had been reserved for royalty. Freya was escorting Venus to the back room because the child complained that she wanted to go to the bathroom because she was nervous looking at many people. While Aldrich himself was sitting in his chair, watching the people who were dancing and enjoying their meal. But I know, what he's doing is not just sitting still, rather the man is spreading his aura to watch over the entire capital from his surveillance magic.

From my seat, I could see from afar that Regis and Reyna seemed to be waving their arms at me with William standing quietly beside Regis. I smiled faintly and raised half my hand to answer that. I could see they immediately looked very happy just because of that. It's quite funny to see the three children looking like lost children in a crowd of adults.

I glanced at Aldrich who was still looking at the dance hall quietly. I chose to get up and bow respectfully right in front of Aldrich with a smile on my face.

"What's wrong my daughter?" asked Aldrich softly.

"Dad, would you like to dance with me," I said politely.

"Are you sure you want to dance with daddy? You haven't got dance etiquette lessons, you know," Aldrich confirmed.

"I've learned a bit from the books I read, dad," I replied casually.

Lies, I wanted to take Aldrich's eyesight away from me..

I can see Aldrich seems to think about my request. But then he got up and smiled warmly at me then thrust his hand towards me. Aldrich slightly bowed his body.

"I think, before your first debutante later. I won't be able to calm down if I'm not your dance partner for the first time in your life," Aldrich said softly.

"So I'm going to teach you how to dance too," he continued.

I smiled kindly and accepted Aldrich's helping hand. We both hit the dance floor with all eyes on us. They were a bit surprised because the eleven year old princess wanted to dance with her father which today was not a debutante event. Actually, the debutante event for girls is a tradition that I think is quite sacred. And the debutante event was carried out to indicate that the girl had become an adult girl from just a child.

"We will dance several moves to enliven this event. Only between father and daughter. Dance with us," said Aldrich firmly, eliminating the surprise of the people present there.

The two of us danced to the music that echoed throughout the silent room. Only the looking eye gives voice to the silence. Neither one spoke as they focused their attention on the father and son pair who seemed to be really enjoying their dance. But soon everyone relaxed and got into the groove of their king's dance. Round after round and sweeping the clothes worn around the dance floor beautifully and beautifully. I smiled seeing everyone who looked compact with their movements that interlocked without hindrance.

"You seem to be enjoying it. Once again today, you managed to impress dad," Aldrich said seriously and sounded very sincere.

"I am dad's child," I said briefly with a warm smile that was engraved.

Last round. Everyone looks very happy and enjoying their dance. Applause and laughter filled the large room giving off a feeling of happiness and warmth. I seized the opportunity to slip away while Aldrich was being spoken to by some of the important nobles present. I slipped out onto the palace balcony which was covered by a large cloth that hung very high. My vision caught a person wearing a mask with white mane standing looking at the black sky in front of him.

I approached him and stood right beside him, watching the beautiful night sky. Silent without a sound enjoying the gentle breeze that hit the face and hair that flew slowly. The man turned to me and smiled kindly.

"Nana, this is the gem that Nana asked for."

Carl handed me a box filled with fist-sized bright purple stones. I took the box carefully. And a system clink appeared flashing a transparent white screen on top of the stone.

[ Name : Moonstone ]

[ Use : ????, ?????, ?????, magic aura level ?, aura bomb ]

Why are there so many question marks after the comma on the system screen?

"Nice job," I said simply.

"Nana looks very beautiful charming," said Carl turning right at me.

I was silent did not respond to the praise. A magic circle appeared and circled around my hand, I placed the stone on the scroll and put it back into the magic circle. I closed my eyes and turned my back to the palace courtyard which was decorated with flowers and beautiful lights. Time passed in silence, only the sound of the wind could be heard again surrounding the two of us. To where the sound of bells tinkling, indicating that it is entering the middle of the night.

"The day has changed. Enjoy the joy this provides before I give you a new mission," I said casually while taking out a small glass bottle that I kept on a storage scroll.

"Take this. Use it when you feel it's necessary," I continued while handing the bottle to Carl.

"Okay Nana," replied Carl as he took the small bottle and put it away.

"I will be back. It would be troublesome if they were looking for me," I said, then stepped to leave.

"Nana, can I not ask you to dance like your father?" asked Carl suddenly who managed to make me stop walking.

"You can take me when you're strong enough. There's still a debutante, don't think about things like that for now," I answered straightforwardly.

I continued my steps to enter the palace. I can feel sadness at Carl's aura behind me, but this is all I can tell him. And when I closed the curtain, I could hear a little whisper that made me quite interested in what would happen in the future.

"Wait for me, Nana."
