
The roots started creeping up without seconds and had already deflected a fire arrow behind me. For a moment I felt stunned before finally laughing softly.

"I almost did it!!!" shouted Regis in annoyance.

Regis released his aura wave and slammed his body to the ground. It seemed that he had run out of aura on his aura star. I glanced at the root with the fire arrow that was starting to fade and disappear. I smiled smugly as I stuck my staff into the ground.

Stop that system...

[ ??? ]

[ Deactivating the Giant Plant... ]

[ Do you want to neutralize it? ]

"Wait a moment."

My words made Regis open his closed eyes. He tried to sit up from his lying position.

"How did you make that last attack?" I asked.

"Haha I expected the princess to ask! Do you want me to answer that?"

This kid, he really likes to play games...

"I didn't bother to ask you to answer that."

Regis just chuckled and wiggled his body to the right and left.

"I know I'm good hoho... I only threw the arrow to hit the dirt wall I made. But I gave a little aura to that part of the wall so that the arrow seemed to be held back. And when I started attacking you, I exploded the restraining aura to destroy the earthen wall to create a trajectory. I made it as if there was a thin thread on the arrow to keep it flying toward me!" Regis explained.

"Isn't that great?" he asked.

How had he thought of that technique?

"I don't think I need to teach you from scratch if you already know how to use it," I replied casually.

"Hee? The princess already knows that? I thought I was the inventor of that method..."

Regis lowered his head languidly. I chuckled a little at that. I turned to stare at the staff I was still holding and flowed my aura into it again. The flame on the knife at the tip of the stick began to fade, and now a large blade was clearly visible. I released my grip on the stick and walked a little further away.

"Try pulling this."

Regis silently stared at the stick for a moment. Feeling challenged, the boy got up and immediately grabbed the stick to try and lift it. After three attempts, Regis turned to look at me with a demanding gaze.

"Princess, this is hard to lift!"

"Why are you giving up already? You can try the spear if you can pull it out."

"This... ukh why don't you give it to me directly?"

I sighed for a moment and walked closer to the staff.


[ Dome responds to you! ]

[ Want to change the Dome? ]

Open the eastern part of the dome.

[ Disables the eastern part of the Dome... ]

"You guys, come here!" I shouted at one of the trees.

The protective dome began to shake again as a crack opened in the protective dome. From there I could see William and Venus who walked over. Meanwhile, Reyna remained sitting quietly under the tree. During lunch, I managed to recover the child's condition. At least to wake her up from running out of aura stores. But still, I knew the girl would still feel tired even if she couldn't remember what happened to her. So I asked her to remain silent until I asked them to return to the palace.

"You guys were great!!! Maybe if that big root hadn't protected you sis Val, I'm sure you would've lost by a landslide!" Venus said excitedly.

"Ho? You're not going to cry about it?" I asked.

"Those who are about to lose, please shut up!" quipped Venus.

"Hahaha the princess is better than me, and I'll chase her down no matter what!" said Regis equally excited.

"You have to pass me first before you can compete with sis Val!"

"Is the prince sure about that?"

"You guys shut up."

I turned to look at William who had been silent watching the two boys who seemed to want to argue again. William also turned to look at me with his glare.

"William, try picking up this stick," I asked.

"Is it a spear, princess?" he asked.

"Yes. It is a spear."

"I'm sure master William won't be able to lift it either!" exclaimed Regis.

"I'll give it a try."

William walked over and grasped the staff. The boy only seemed to stand still before finally a wave of purple aura began to try to wrap around the spear stick.

"What? Why are you using aura?" asked Regis, feeling unacceptable.

"This is a spear that comes from the princess's aura waves. So I thought it would work better than lifting it directly."

I smiled slightly after hearing that. Because it was indeed not wrong. It would be more effective to lift or transform an object made of aura waves. But if the object has a larger aura wave than the aura wave trying to transform it, it still won't work. Sometimes if too much force is applied, the object can destroy itself or even become a parasite that steals the aura waves of the person trying to defeat it.

For some conditions, objects formed from aura waves can be targeted at the aura waves of the owner or someone else. An example is the small earring on Venus' left ear. It won't be able to be removed by anyone, unless Venus' aura wave fights it. But for now, I'm sure that child certainly won't be able to do it.

A slight crack began to appear on the part of the ground where the stick was stuck. Even though it was a little, the stick was still starting to lift. Regis looked more focused than William who was trying to lift the stick.

"Whoa! It's lifting!!!" shouted Venus.

The stick was indeed almost pulled out of the ground. But William, who lost his balance a little, almost fell as the stick slammed into the ground.

"It's... so heavy..."

"Is it?"

Now the curious Regis tried to lift the spear lying on the ground.

"This is why I didn't give it to you directly, Regis. If you can't lift it, then you won't be able to use it."

"Well... I think I'm exhausted right now too."

I chuckled slightly before finally quietly emitting a bright green aura from both my legs.

[ ?????????????-is-loading... ]

"Bring out your aura wave," I pleaded.


Regis tried to bring out his aura waves. Although the wave seemed very thin at first, it gradually thickened. And of course it was enough to make the boy surprised.

"How... I feel like my aura stash is gone!"

At least the boy also didn't realize that his toes were currently wrapped around several small roots.

Ukh... even so this is more draining on my aura than the battle earlier...

[ ?????????????-forcibly discontinued. ]

[ Your aura is insufficient for the target's recovery! ]

Tsk, I know but what's that question mark mean huh? You still can't recover yourself?

[ ??? ]

"Princess! Are we going to fight again?" asked Regis.

"No. Save your aura and keep recovering it. I want to give you all a new assignment."

"New assignment!" said Venus happily.

Haha this kid is always like that, I'm also confused why...

"William, try playing with the spear. If you can balance it, attack that big plant over there. You can also practice your technique," I asked while pointing towards the Giant Plant.

"Yes, princess."

"Neil, wait for me under the tree. Keep Reyna company for a while."

"What? I thought there would be a new task for me?"

"Just do as I ask."

Venus finally nodded her understanding and walked languidly towards the outside of the dome. I turned to look at Regis who was still trying to gather his aura back.

"Regis, listen to me. Watch and do as I show you."

Regis opened his eyes again and looked at me after nodding in understanding. I glanced briefly at William who was sitting quietly in front of the spear. I guess that kid has his own way of trying to balance his aura with the aura inside the spear. So I'll let him do whatever it takes until he completely gives up later.

"Do you remember the flow of the aura wave that you made into a hammer?" I asked.

"Of course princess, I remember it very well."

"Then, try doing this one."

I concentrated the aura flow on my palm. Slowly a thin wave of aura began to dance between my fingers. And quickly the aura waves surged and wrapped around each other. Then now there could be seen a long sword made from the surging aura waves. But what was a little different was, if the spear had become a tangible object, this sword had the pattern of the aura waves themselves. It was quite beautiful to look at as the swish of the aura that was like dense fine sand was very visible forming the body of the sword.

"Do it like this, Regis."

Regis nodded in understanding and tried to concentrate his aura flow on his hands. Actually, this method was the same as when Regis made his crossbows and hammers. Because the visible aura waves could of course make one know how smooth or rough an aura wave was. This child was already able to make soft bows and hammers from his aura waves. But sometimes if he is not focused, it will be very obvious the rough part of the weapon. Since he was already able to make his two mainstay weapons, I wanted to see how this kid would be if he had a new weapon form.

"In addition to you visualizing a sword, make the thickness of the sword the same as seventy sheets of paper. And make a slight slope towards the sharp part like the shape on the tip of a pen."

"You say that as if I know what it's made like."

"How do you make an arrow?"

"I just make it taper at the tip."

"Next time you should make it more detailed because it affects the sharpness and speed at which your arrow glides."

"There won't be time for me if that happens, princess."

"Don't complain. That's what practicing all the time does for you."


Regis made his aura wave continuously rotate in her hand. The boy had managed to make a small knife but it looked very dull. I let out my breath for a moment and chose to intervene a little. Without touching the boy's hand, the waves in my hand slowly began to wrap around the boy's aura waves. Regis stepped back slightly as a spark of aura occurred with the same surge as I made a sword from my aura wave. I walked backwards to slightly move away from the sword's area.

"Stabilize it, and remember how your aura flowed to form it."

"This... this is great!!!"

"I know. Keep that balance."

Several times it was clear that waves of aura began to emanate like flames because the aura that bound each other began to become unstable. If the bonds were to break, of course the sword form would be lost and the aura wasted. This was the imperfect form of a weapon made from aura waves. Even so, it was easier to make because it was just a continuous flow of aura to form the weapon. And the aura that has come out will go back into the body and the process repeats following the circulation of the aura flow.

The difficult thing about this is making the perfection of a weapon. Although you can form anything from the aura wave, if there is an anomaly or rough part in the aura wave, it will make the weapon defective. Weapons served to protect the owner. If the weapon had a fault, of course it would be bad for the owner.

"I told you to take care of that, Regis."

"I know! But I can't believe it's harder than when I made my bow or my hammer."

"Does it tax your aura flow?"

"Yes, I suppose..."

"Then just release the aura flow on that wave."

"What? Isn't this too cool to let go, princess?"

"You can still create it yourself with your own aura wave. The important thing is that you remember what it feels like for the wave to form."


Regis slowly began to release the aura waves that were wrapped around each other. And the aura waves began to fade and disappear on their own. I could see that the boy looked sad about it. I turned to look at William who had already started moving the spear in his hand.

"William, do you want to try to fight the plant yet?" I asked.

"I think so, princess."

[ Activating Giant Plant. ]

I nodded and looked back at Regis who was also staring at the huge plant that started moving.

"You can come with William or you can try that yourself, Regis."

Regis seemed to be thinking and looked back at me with an excited expression.

"I'll gather my aura and try that! Please don't make the plant quickly killed by William's brother before I defeat it myself princess!"


I smiled slightly and turned to leave the dome towards where Venus and Reyna were. I could see that the two children were quite cute sitting together like that. The protective dome ticked with the open part of the dome closed tightly again.

"Neil, try to show me your aura wave."

"Okay, sis!"

Venus shifted her seat slightly and immediately closed her eyes quietly.

System, keep an eye on that kid...

[ Successfully marking the target! ]

"Alright, Reyna let's stretch a bit."

Reyna just nodded in understanding and took a sitting position that she found comfortable. I sat right in front of the girl and the girl closed her eyes.

Although it was faint and very thin, I could see that the girl was trying to gather her aura energy that was previously forcefully closed by my skill. This was the slight drawback of using The Gate of Death to neutralize someone affected by aura exploitation. It didn't really forcibly neutralize the flow of aura, but it also closed off the access to the entry and exit of aura. Because if that was closed, the method would be more successful because there would be nothing to interfere during the method, whether from internal or external.

When the girl fainted and I moved her under the tree, I gave a little of my aura to restore that energy a little. It would have been troublesome for me if the girl had fainted for too long because it ran out of aura energy and her body couldn't gather it automatically while unconscious. But fortunately after I returned with the push basket filled with food, the girl started to wake up from her stupor.

"What are you feeling right now?" I asked.

"Umm, I don't know..." Reyna replied.

"Just tell me whatever you're feeling right now."

"I thought I was feeling very weak before... but it's quite better now, princess."

"Do you feel excessive pressure on your aura star?"


"Alright, keep gathering your aura. I will help you."


The core of Reyna's aura star is under severe stress due to being surprised by the over-draining of the aura. This is very common but handling it is also not an easy and ordinary thing. If it goes wrong, instead of the core improving, it will feel even more stressed because of the foreign aura waves that are trying to heal it. Perhaps a little easier language is that Reyna's core is currently in an 'alert' position. That's because the aura star core has the main task of storing and maintaining aura stores. Yeah that's about it.

I again released a wave of faint green aura to circle around myself. Several times I could see two orbs of light that made a line by rotating around me and Reyna. The two small pearl-like orbs were spinning in opposite directions. But the orbs seemed to flicker away and reappear with their direction changed.

I thought there would be more than that haha... when I first tried this not even one appeared and the system immediately scolded me...

The two pearly orbs blinked and began to fly around Reyna's body. The girl kept her eyes closed as the aura that entered her body began to grow more and more. I don't know if it will be as I imagined or not but at least I'm sure it will work.

The orbs is spinning more and more evenly. And at this moment I could clearly see the circulation of the aura flow that was happening in Reyna's body. The girl's aura flow seemed stable although there was indeed a part of the flow that seemed very faint and even seemed to disappear. This is the vital part of the aura flow that was previously covered. The aura that came from nature seemed to be blocked by that faint part and could not flow perfectly towards Reyna's body's aura star.

There were at least 13 faint parts out of the 16 parts that should have opened properly. The remaining three had already returned to normal thanks to Reyna's aura star that had managed to restore that area. The flickering of the orb became less frequent as the direction of the orb began to get closer to the faint parts. Since I can only bring up this much, it will take a bit longer.

"Hold this. You can scream if you feel pain."

Reyna nodded and I began the recovery. I aimed one of the orbs of light at the outermost vital part. It seemed to beat rapidly before finally moving to another faint part. The ticking caused the flow of aura to be slightly disrupted before finally returning to a smooth flow.

"Princess... some parts of my body feel painful..."

"I know."

The two orbs of light continued to travel around the area of the faint aura path. Supposedly, if there were many orbs of light that could be created, the process would be done simultaneously and Reyna would only feel the pain once. Because sometimes one orbs of light was not enough to reopen the blocked pathway.

[ Warning!!! ]

[ Your aura energy is depleting! ]

Can't recover automatically now?

[ Your condition does not allow for---????????? ]


[ !!! ]

[ Giant Plant has weakened! ]

[ Your aura energy is left at 19%... ]

I knew this would happen. Practicing too much is not good. I should at least hold off on this one until it's completely finished.

Only then will I-


"Regis, watch your step!"

[ Giant Plant is forcibly deactivated! ]

[ Counting down the deactivation of the Giant Plant... ]

Stay focused. Only three more sections left...

[ The marked target's aura wave begins to be detected! ]


"Reyna, don't force it like that..."

[ 10 ]

[ 9 ]

[ Your aura energy is left at 15%... ]

[ 8 ]

My eyes are stinging...

[ 7 ]

"Master William! The plant will attack again!"

[ 6 ]

Even as I continued to concentrate, somehow the sounds around me sounded very clear. Perhaps clearer than they should be.

[ 5 ]

Just one more part...

[ 4 ]

"Sis, Val... I think I..."

I think Neil has something to say...

[ 3 ]


Oh, I'm done.

[ Your aura energy is left at 12%... ]

[ 2 ]

"Reyna stop!"

[ 1 ]

[ Giant Plant successfully deactivated. ]

The swirling waves of my aura simply disappeared and I could feel the emptiness of my mind. My eyes were a little blurry but I could now see the little girl who was covering her face with both hands.

Ah, was it that painful to make her cry?

"Sis Val!"

I turned my head and could find a very rough wave of aura that was bright blue in color. It spread slowly around its owner. I smiled with satisfaction and patted the top of the boy's head.

[ There were no anomalies in the target's aura waves. ]

"You did it, Neil. Good job."


I looked back at Reyna who was still in the same position. I let out my breath for a moment and chose to grab both of her hands. But at that moment, I was quite surprised when the girl jumped towards me and hugged me.

"Huuaa!!! Princess, that hurt!"


[ The target's condition is slowly improving. ]

"I see... I'm sorry, Reyna."

"No! I feel better now!"

"Hee? Why are you suddenly hugging like that?!"

"What's wrong Neil? Don't you like it?"

"Ah! I'm sorry princess, prince!"

Reyna moved her body away from me and wiped away her tears. And what happened next was when Venus grabbed my left hand and hugged it tightly.

What the hell is this kid...

"Princess! We defeated the big plant!"

[ Giant Plant in the process of being neutralized... ]

I turned my head and could see from behind the dome that Regis was waving his arms with William beside him. Whether they defeated the plant before the system completely deactivated it or after, I think they looked happy after successfully cutting down the huge plant. The huge plant began to refract with a scattered aura after the system neutralized it. I chuckled and chose to open the protective dome so that they could gather here.

[ Dome successfully deactivated! ]

"Princess, did you clearly see how I acted to defeat that huge plant?" asked Regis.

"Ho? I guess it wasn't too bad."

Although I honestly didn't see it anyway...

"Haha you must be amazed at me!"

Little boy...

"Princess, you look so pale. Are you tired?" asked William.

"Yes, I think I'm quite tired at the moment."

"Ah! Is it because of me?"

"No Reyna. I've been expelling a lot of aura today, so I feel tired."

"Then how about we go back to the palace?" asked Regis excitedly.

"Sure. It's getting late."

I got up with Venus still hooking her hand in mine. I paused for a moment before turning back around.

"Oh, since you two took so long to defeat that plant, clean up the leftovers."

"Eh, why us?" protested Regis.

"Alright princess."

"Hey master William! Why did you agree so readily?"

"There's nothing wrong with just cleaning this up, Regis."


"If you feel tired, I can do it myself."

"Huh! Master William always says that!"

"Ah! Let me help!" said Reyna suddenly.

"Is your body okay?" I asked.

"Take it easy, princess!"

"Then, Neil you help them too."

"Ukh I would've been very happy if sis Val didn't say that!"

"It's not a lot of work."


"Prince! Welcome to the cleaning group!"

"You're very articulate, brother Regis!"


I'm quite satisfied to see the children who have grown. In the future, they will get stronger and be able to help me one day. They just need to keep practicing and be determined. There will be a time when they will fulfill their respective roles.

At least they live in a good environment...

I felt calm before the clinking of the system finally disrupted all the little peace I felt.

[ To do list for today! ]

[ "Kris told me to restore the forest" ]

"Can't you understand me just a little?"

[ ??? ]

I glanced for a moment at the direction the protective dome previously stood. And of course I could see how much damage was done there.

I think I'll pass out if I force myself to clean this up...

I looked up, gazing at the fairly clear and beautiful afternoon sky. After a few moments of noise from the children, I could see a shadow flying in the sky.

Haha, please do me a favor Lily...
