Chapter 41: Rear Admiral Hina Vs Diddy

As Freyja and Diddy caused chaos and mass destruction, they flew ship to ship after destroying the previous ones, creating a chain of destruction everywhere they went while they slowly but surely neared Briss Kingdom; no one was able to stop them, not even the few captain ranked marines that intercepted them could slow them down.

While the captain and vice-captain were causing wanton destruction, the second mate of the Frenzy pirates, Sebas Visage, was calmly sitting at the helm as he sailed the ship through the waters, occasionally passing by a marine battleship that was either on fire or in the process of sinking; the area that surrounded those ships were littered with hundreds of corpses and detached limbs, while the water also started to take on a slight tint of red from the large amounts of blood.

However, while those events were happening out at sea, on the island, inside Briss Kingdom, a conversation was happening between Rear Admiral Hina, who had docked not even three hours ago, and the captain of the Briss Kingdom outpost; though funnily enough, the topic was about the ones attempting to raid Briss Kingdom.



"So, those two haven't shown their faces here, Captain Ness?" Asked Hina in slight interest while sitting opposite Captain Ness, who was currently at his desk.

"No, they haven't, though such news shouldn't be surprising; any pirate dumb enough to raid Briss Kingdom won't live for much longer anyways; us Marines will make sure of that." Said Ness solemnly while looking up at Hina, though his voice was respectful since she was his superior.

"You're not wrong, but pirates are a bunch of lawless beings, so don't put it past them to attack the Briss Kingdom, no matter how unlikely it is to happen, especially those Frenzy pirates." Remarked Hina calmly while looking at Ness, who nodded in understanding.

"I Understand, Rear Admiral Hina; I'll make sure to take note of that and not get complacent just because this is Briss Kingdom." Replied Ness seriously.

"Speaking of the Frenzy Pirates, I imagine you hadn't had the chance to confront them yet; otherwise, they would've already been locked up." Added Ness with a slight chuckle, though his words did cause Hina to frown.

"Unfortunately, no; Hina hasn't had the opportunity to confront them, though don't underestimate them; they managed to destroy Karate Island in one night; such a feat speaks volumes of strength. Not to mention Captain Leaf, that guarded Baterilla, was said to be defeated in one attack by the mink known as Diddy D. Kong." Stated Hina seriously, her words causing Ness to be taken aback.

"I knew about the destruction of Karate Island, but defeating a Captain in one attack that's news to me; it seems I've been underestimating pirates too much." Remarked Ness with an ugly expression while frowning, knowing that his chances of beating Diddy were slim to none.

Nodding at Ness's words of self-reflection, I was about to respond, though not even a second later, the doors to the office were busted open as a frightened and distraught marine soldier ran towards us.

"Speak, soldier; it must've been very important if you were required to barge into my office without my authorization." Commanded Ness sternly with a frown as he eyed the sweating and panting marine, a bad feeling welling up within his heart.

"T-They've a-attacked, C-Captain Ness!" Said the soldier while heavily panting, though his words only served to confuse Ness while Hina lit a cigarette and frowned.

"Someone attacked!? What pirate is bold enough to attack us? Do they not know that this island is Briss Kingdom?" Questioned Ness as he stood up with a furious expression and approached the marine soldier.

"I-It's t-the, o-one's y-you w-warned us a-about C-Captain; t-the-" Replied the marine as he struggled to look at Ness's face, though before he could finish speaking, someone interrupted him.

"Frenzy pirates." Remarked Hina, glancing at the marine with a frown as she puffed out smoke, while Ness's eyes widened in surprise.

"Y-Yes, R-Rear Admiral Hina; the Frenzy pirates have a-attacked, and they're n-nearing the island as we s-speak!" Exclaimed the marine soldier as Ness broke from his stupor and clutched his sheathed sword while Hina stood up, both preparing to leave.

"Let us go, Captain Ness; from what Hina knows about the Frenzy pirates, the ships won't be enough to stop them; Hina will confront them herself." Stated Hina with a frown as she exited the office while going down the marine outpost; Ness and the marine followed closely behind.

"Marine, tell me the status of the battle!" Ordered Ness with a hardened gaze while following behind Hina.

"I-I'm from the coast station, so it took me a few minutes to get here, but from what I know, 6 out of the 14 ships, three of which are battleships, have all been destroyed, Captain Ness. The worst news is that they somehow fly from ship to ship, killing every marine aboard before finally sinking the ship." Declared the marine as he slightly trembled, remembering when Diddy looked directly at him as he watched the two slaughter his colleagues through binoculars from a lighthouse.

"W-What!?" Exclaimed Ness in shock, the news not only filling him with fury at the loss of his men and so many deaths but also fear, knowing that he could very well be next.

"Any information about their abilities? Are either of them possible devil fruit users?" Asked Hina, her managing to break Ness from his second stupor of the day while the marine soldier nodded.

"The Captain seems to be able to wield lightning or electricity; however, the woman is capable of sprouting wings from her back and catching them on fire while also turning her hands into very long, sharp claws." Replied the marine hurriedly, though when he spoke of Freyja, his eyes showed desire.

"Minks are known to be able to wield electricity, so that's not surprising; however, while Hina can't be sure given the numerous tribes that exist in this world, the woman most likely has eaten a Zoan Devil fruit." Stated Hina with a frown and thoughtful expression, though she wasn't talking to anyone specifically, merely thinking out loud.

Finally, exiting the outpost, which is situated just beside the Briss Kingdom's main dock, my frown intensified when I noticed the numerous sinking and burning ships in the distance as I eyed the final ship that had just been destroyed. Seeing two silhouettes fly into the air from the wrecked ship, my gaze hardened as I looked at the two approaching the island, and not even a moment later, the mink, who was holding a bow-staff, suddenly turned his in my direction, causing the two of us to make eye contact.

While intently eyeing Kong, my brows furrowed when I saw him occasionally kicking the air, causing me to frown as I thought back to what Captain Leaf had told me.

'I didn't believe him at first when he told me Kong used tekkai, but seeing him masterfully use geppo, I've no doubt he somehow got his hands on the six rokushiki techniques.' Thought Hina with an intense frown before shifting her focus toward Freyja, who was currently sporting an angry expression.

Besides her perfect appearance, godly beauty, and the things the marine had informed me of, I couldn't discern anything else unique about her.

"Two on one; Hina will have a tough time." Muttered Hina with a sigh as she walked alongside Ness, who had just arrived, followed by numerous marines with cannons, rifles, pistols, swords, and any other form of weapon.

Once I arrived about twenty or so meters away from the outpost, standing just before the docks, which were now empty as we had evacuated nearby citizens, I stopped walking and stood my ground while looking up into the sky, eyeing Kong and Freyja, who both descended to the ground before eventually landing several meters before us.



"Men! Ready your aim and prepare to fire on my word!" Yelled Ness as he raised his hand while eyeing Diddy and Freyja in the near distance.

Landing on the ground alongside Freyja, I couldn't help but smirk as I eyed the numerous marines that were aiming their weapons at us, ready to fire on a moment's notice; however, before I let them do such a thing, I set loose my killing intent, causing the man who just spoke to flinch while the hundred or so marines started sweating in fear, some even accidentally shot, though because of their intense trembling they all missed.

"Hehe, look at what they prepared for us, Freyja; a bunch of weaklings, well, except for one, who is decently strong." Remarked Diddy with a grin, displaying his fangs as he observed the group before his eyes focused on Hina, who stood at the forefront.

"Can I attack yet? I'm still very angry." Said Freyja with an angry frown while intently eyeing Hina.

"Have some patience Freyja; you're acting like me." Replied Diddy, though his remark sparked Freyja's anger, causing her to attack him with her wing, though it was easily blocked.

"Tch, I'm nothing like you." Stated Freyja seriously as small flames escaped her mouth while eyeing Diddy, who had used his tail to block her wing.

Chuckling, I released my hold of Freyja's wing before focusing on the current enemies before us; walking forward, I ignored everyone else and eyed the woman at the front.

"Seeing the emblems on your marine coat, you must be a Rear Admiral; Rear Admiral Hina, I presume?" Asked Diddy with a grin as he stood just two meters before Hina while eyeing her.

"Yes, and Hina's the person who'll defeat you and make you repent for your atrocious deeds." Replied Hina with a frown as she dropped her cigarette and snuffed it out with her heel.

"Hehe, you're funny one; I don't mind being defeated, but I'll never repent for anything; I don't believe in a god, after all." Remarked Diddy with a chuckle.


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