Chapter 54: The Next Day

It was the morning of the next day; Grand and Trenza were both still collapsed in the middle of the deck from last night's party. Sebas, the only one who didn't drink, was currently manning the helm while Freyja and Scar were sleeping inside the captain's quarters after having enjoyed themselves with bedroom activities. After the party had ended, I decided to train, and while I did drink a few cups of alcohol, I was at most a little tipsy, not enough to hinder myself.

Besides, given my robust immune system, I doubt I'd be able to get drunk again; well, I'd at least need to consume a lot more alcohol than just a few cups, possibly an entire barrel. Or I could simply consume a different kind of alcohol; that would be easier.

'Though, when I manage to fully control my body, I'm sure I'd be able to figure out a way to allow alcohol to get me drunk; however, that's still quite a long way away. Also, the alcohol from last night wasn't especially good; it was, at best, decent, so it's not like I'm eager to drink it again.' Mused Diddy as he landed on the upper deck, having just finished his training.

It seems I decided to pause my training at the perfect time since I heard a door open, followed by two footsteps as they walked up the stairs leading to the upper deck, only to see Freyja looking perfect as usual while Scar looked quite messy.

"Just know, I only allowed it because you didn't consume any of his vitality." Said Diddy while eyeing Freyja, who nodded back while smirking.

"So you're saying as long as I don't harm or consume any of my crewmates' vitality, you don't mind me sleeping with them? Is that what you're implying, Captain?" Questioned Freyja with a smirk while nearing Sebas before sitting on his lap with her plump butt as she began grinding against his groin.

"Hoho, don't tease this old man; you're making me feel young again." Remarked Sebas with a faint smile while chuckling, but other than that, Freyja got no reaction out of him.

"Tch, sure, whatever, I don't care; just make sure to keep it in moderation. This is a pirate ship, not a brothel; not to mention, this is MY ship, so you better clean up after yourself. I don't want my ship to have a stench of sex." Remarked Diddy as he dismissively waved his hand while hopping into his hammock before glancing at Scar, who was leaning over the railing.

"Heh, so, how'd it feel, Scar?" Asked Diddy with a grin.

"I-I don't remember anything, Captain; I was too drunk." Replied Scar with an ugly expression as he glanced at Diddy before suddenly leaning over the ship's edge, followed by the sound of him vomiting.

"I warned you, Scar; you know you've never been good with alcohol." Said Sebas in an admonishing tone as he glanced at Scar before shaking his head.

"You know, Captain, if you wish, I can always show you; I'm confident I can send any man to Heaven." Declared Freyja with a smile while calmly sitting on Sebas's lap as she eyed Diddy before opening her mouth and displaying her unnaturally long tongue that's been put to good use many times.

"Heh, you'll send a man to heaven before yanking him down to the depths of hell as you turn them into your slaves." Replied Diddy with a smirk as he shook his head while eyeing Freyja.

"Hehe, Heaven? Hell? When one feels the utter pinnacle of pleasure, does it really matter where they are at?" Remarked Freyja with a grin and a slight chuckle, causing Diddy to laugh.

"Haha, I suppose not." Muttered Diddy while laughing.

After that stupid little conversation, the deck went silent, well, almost silent; every now and then, you'd hear the sound of Scar vomiting whatever he consumed from last night. A few minutes later, I sensed Grand and Trenza awaken; when they arrived on the upper deck, at first glance, they didn't seem to be that weak to alcohol as they looked relatively fine, though they still looked hungover.

"Ugh, my head is killing me." Muttered Grand as he sat down on a barrel while rubbing his head, hoping to ease the pain, but to no avail.

"At least we're not as bad as Scar, so there's a plus." Said Treza as she stood beside Grand while leaning against the railing.

"Heh, I wouldn't be so quick to say that." Said Diddy with a faint smirk, his words confusing the two, but he didn't go into detail on the matter.

"Sebas, do you have the map?" Asked Freyja as she looked at Sebas while still sitting on his lap; though he was a man, so it was not like he disliked having women on his lap, especially when it was the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Yes, it's in my coat pocket, on the right side." Said Sebas with a nod, his words prompting Freyja to reach into the right side of his coat, only to retract her hands moments later while holding a folded piece of paper.

"Hmm, from the map, Centaurea is northeast and isn't too far away from Briss Kingdom; given that we've been sailing for the past few days, we should be there within the next few days. Well, that's under the assumption that nothing unexpected happens." Stated Freyja as she unfolded the map and examined it with a compass, giving her a rough estimation of their location.

"I'd prefer if something unexpected were to happen; that would be much more fun." Said Diddy with a feral grin while his stomach let out a low rumble.

"Trenza, I'm getting hungry." Added Diddy as he glanced at Trenza standing beside Grand, looking like a child next to his large frame, and it didn't help that she was the smallest on the ship.

"So am I, Captain, but I used the last of the stored food for last night's party; right now, we've got no food." Replied Trenza, though her answer caused Diddy to grunt in annoyance.

"Ugh, wait right here; I'll be back with food." Said Diddy as he hopped out of his hammock and off the ship before submerging himself into the sea.

"Umm, where is he going?" Asked Grand in confusion as he looked at Freyja, though she was too busy resting on Sebas's lap.

"Haa, I wish I was, Father." Muttered Grand with a sigh, prompting Trenza to smack the back of his head.

"I thought you liked Janet? Don't tell me your heart is that fickle, Grand?" Questioned Tenza with a frown as she eyed Grand.

"I-It's not. I do like Janet, but I mean, just look at her; she's the most beautiful woman alive!" Declared Grand as he rubbed the back of his head before pointing at Freyja, who happened to glance at them, causing them to blush.

"D-Dammit, I can't refute your words." Muttered Trenza with a light blush as she looked away from Freyja with great difficulty, though Grand wasn't able to.

"Guys, I-I think we've got a big problem!" Stated Scar as he looked at the sea below, only to see a shadow in the water beneath the ship get progressively larger by the second.

"W-What the!?" Exclaimed Grand in shock as he quickly looked over the ship's edge, seeing the same thing as Scar.

"O-Only Sea Kings are that big; don't tell me, we were unfortunate enough to encounter a Sea King!" Declared Trenza with an ugly expression as she unholstered her dual pistols and prepared to fire.

"Calm down, you three; it's just Diddy returning with food. No need to get so worked up." Said Freyja blandly as she glanced at the concerned three before resting her head atop Sebas's shoulder again.

Exiting from the water while hauling a massive Sea King, one even bigger than the first one I killed, I leaped into the air and used geppo to stay afloat, using enough force to create miniature explosions every time I kicked the air; otherwise, I wouldn't be able to carry this giant beast.

"Hmm? What are you guys doing? Is there a pirate ship?" Asked Diddy with a raised eyebrow while looking at the distressed Trenza, Grand, and Scar in confusion as he turned around and viewed the surrounding waters.

Not spotting anything nearby, I looked back at them while tilting my head in confusion, but after a few seconds, I shook my head and ignored them as I gently landed on the deck, causing the ship to sink several inches before stabilizing.

"Trenza!" Yelled Diddy as he dropped the Sea King onto the deck.

"Y-Yes, Captain!" Said Trenza, replying instantly as she swiftly headed down the stairs and stood before Diddy while saluting like a marine.

"Start preparing the kitchen." Ordered Diddy as he gave Trenza a weird look before shaking his head and ignoring her, shifting his attention toward the massive Sea King in front of him.

While Trenza was prepping the kitchen, I started butchering the Sea King, doing much better than my first time, though it wasn't like I did badly then. Since an actual chef was going to cook this food, yeah, you heard me, Trenza's a chef, apparently, it's one of her hobbies, and she's pretty good at it, much better than either Freyja and I; anyways, since she was an actual chef, I was forced to slice the Sea King into much smaller pieces, which would in turn take longer to cook.

But it was well worth the wait; in my opinion, I'd much rather wait twenty or so more minutes if it meant I could eat adequately seasoned food.


Created a discord server, so if anyone wishes to join, it also works this time; I've reset it again, (Note: this link only lasts for one week)



Elven Legacy (Chapter 160: Triple Punishment, The Cauldron Burning) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 40: Alexander's Crush) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 64: Dock At Centaurea) at []