Chapter 65: Spying

"We've arrived at what seems to be a city." Remarked Diddy with a slight smile as he hovered very high in the air, holding Trenza by his tail wrapped around her waist.

"Can you spot anything from up here, Trenza?" Asked Diddy with a raised eyebrow since while he, himself, has exceptional eyes, even his vision pales in comparison to Trenza's, something he found surprising, though he quickly accepted it on account of her most likely not being human.

"Ugh, I can see a few things, such as what looks to be an abundant amount of blacksmiths and a small marine outpost, and that's about it; other than those two things, nothing else here that really screams war." Remarked Trenza with a slight frown as she looked down at the city below while grabbing her head, feeling somewhat lightheaded from Diddy's unique way of traveling.

'Hmm, blacksmiths; seems like a quick and nearby source of weapons if you ask me. I doubt destroying this city would greatly impact the war on a large scale, considering they could just as easily request supplies from Marineford or somewhere else nearby.' Thought Diddy as he looked down at the small city while displaying a feral grin at the thought of messing with the Marines.

"Heh, so Trenza, if this city were to suddenly, I don't know, disappear, you don't think it would affect the marines much, would you?" Asked Diddy with a grin as he looked at Trenza, showing his sharp fangs that arced lightning between them.

"Umm, I'm no war strategist, nor do I know the current situation of the war, but given it's the Marines, I don't think a small city would affect them too much. I'm sure to them this is just a place for their troops to relax; after all, it also has an abundant amount of brothels and bars, not to mention it seems to be rather far away from the war front." Replied Trenza after a little bit of pondering, though she, herself, wasn't entirely sure about her assumption.

"Also, Captain, if you want to destroy this city, just say so." Added Trenza as she looked at Diddy's smirking face that contained eagerness.

"Hehe, you caught me." Said Diddy, raising his hands up as if he was surrendering, eliciting a sigh from Trenza, though she did slightly chuckle afterward.

"Since we intend on destroying it, let's wait till it's nighttime before we conduct our raid; until then, though, let's explore the city, and in doing so, maybe you can find some replacement pistols since you're utterly useless in a battle without them." Remarked Diddy with a smile, and while his words were rather harsh from Trenza's point of view, she couldn't refute his claim, as she was useless without her dual pistols, possibly even a reliability.

"Yes, I indeed need some new pistols, at least until I can fix these; they were a gift from Father when I was young, so they mean quite a lot, so if possible, I don't wish to part with them." Stated Trenza softly as she held her two busted pistols in her hands; each had her name engraved on the bottom of the grip.

"Hehe, well then; hold on tight, I'm dropping like that city's Nagasaki!" Said Diddy with a grin, and while his joke was rather offensive, it's not like anyone understood it; after all, no one from Earth was alive in this world, at least no one should be.

Before Trenza could question my joke, I suddenly faced down at the city beneath and powerfully kicked the air behind me, causing Trenza and I to shoot toward the ground at incredible speeds, and each time I kicked, our speed increased, gravity playing a vital role as well. As I neared the city carrying along a screaming Trenza, knowing what I was about to do, I brought Trenza close to me and held her in a way that would reduce any impact she may sustain since I didn't want to kill her at least I didn't want to kill her right now, who knows what'll happen in the future.

In a few seconds, I arrived in the city, and just before Trenza and I were about to crash into the ground, I again powerfully kicked the air; this time, though, it was towards the incoming ground, resulting in us coming to an immediate stop. While I've noticed the humans in this world seem to be more robust than the humans from Earth, the average human still wouldn't be capable of surviving suddenly, stopping at such speeds; their bodies would literally collapse, and Trenza was no different, though I had foreseen this happening so I was prepared.

'72 Bian, variation 54: Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist.' Thought Diddy as he redirected the force that threatened to turn Trenza into mush to his own body, which was able to withstand the additional force easily.

Landing softly on the ground, I released Trenza from my grasp, and I was about to ask how she felt since I was curious if I might not have redirected all of the force; however, before I could, she suddenly keeled over and vomited. This continued for a solid minute, and by the end, she wasn't even vomiting food; it was just bile, though while she was vomiting, I did inspect her body for any apparent injuries.

"Well, while you may feel like shit, on the bright side, at least you can feel anything at all since If I somehow messed up, you would be lying dead on the concrete." Remarked Diddy lightly as he finished inspecting Trenza, who had also finally stopped vomiting, though mostly because she had nothing else to vomit.

Quickly grabbing Trenza's collar before she fell into a pool of her own vomit, I lifted her in the air and twisted her around so we could look at each other, but what I saw was rather unexpected.

'I didn't even know someone could actually become so pale; she even puts vampires to shame; if she were to go out into the sun, forget about sunburn, she might actually catch on fire.' Thought Diddy as he found it somewhat hard to look at Trenza's pale, sunken, and sickly face.

"I-I feel too terrible to even be angry with you, Captain." Said Trenza lightly as she blankly looked at Diddy, which slightly made him uncomfortable.

"But you don't feel any pain, right?" Asked Diddy with a smirk, while Trenza responded by shaking her head.

"No, but I'm starting to feel hungry, thirsty and tired." Replied Trenza as she weakly rubbed her rumbling stomach.

'Eh, well, considering how much she had just vomited, it only makes sense.' Mused Diddy as he glanced at the puddle of vomit, which was begging to emit a putrid smell.

"Well then, since this is partially my fault, I'll take you to a bar somewhere nearby; they serve food, right? Also, vomit on me, and I'm throwing you toward the nearest city." Remarked Diddy as he placed Trenza onto his back and started walking toward the end of the alley.

"P-Partially your fault, Captain?" Asked Trenza as she looked at Diddy while he gave her a piggy-back carry, feeling astonished at Diddy's audacity to say something like that.

"Yes, partially; I had redirected all the force out of your body, so at that point, it's all on you; it's not my fault; you're weak." Replied Diddy with a chuckle as he exited the alley and started walking down the city streets, passing by several people, though no one dared say a thing.

It's my first time walking in a public setting without being looked at in disgust, anger, or something else along those lines, though it's not like It mattered to me what they thought of me; however, I will admit, it is a vastly different feeling, being looked at with fear and terror instead of disgust was much more acceptable to me. I did happen to pass a couple of marines, yet while they did notice me, they didn't dare get close; they would just start running in the direction of their little outpost. I didn't really care if the Marines knew of our presence or not; the Frenzy pirates weren't known for being sneaky, after all.

While I was walking, looking for a bar we could dine at, I faintly sensed someone looking at me, causing me to stop and snap my head slightly to my left as I eyed a seemingly ordinary bird sitting atop a tree branch.

"W-What's going on?" Asked Trenza, confused as to why they were approaching a tree.

"Hehe, we're being spied on; look, that bird isn't a bird; it's got no heartbeat, nor does it have eyes; those are merely the lens of a camera." Stated Diddy with a grin as he stared intensely at the bird, which was doing the same to him.

"Spied on? Any idea who it could be?" Remarked Trenza curiously with a frown while she gazed at the bird's fake eyes.

Chuckling, out of the blue, I suddenly leaped toward the tree and grabbed the bird, which had just started flying away but was too slow. As it flailed around in my grasp, I grabbed it by its head and ripped it in half, and in doing so, several sparks appeared from the inside of the bird's mechanical body.

'Heh, a Drone; I didn't know there was technology so advanced in this world. This is miles ahead of what the people on Earth could achieve.' Thought Diddy as he sniffed the bird, hoping to find a scent, though to no avail; the only thing he could smell was the drone's scent.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 167: Elif Dislikes Alchemist's) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 48: Master & Disciple Until the End of Time(R18)) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 75: Diddy Fully Healed) at []