Chapter 143: Diddy Drenched In Love

"Sick? I've only killed pirates like you, so don't lump it together with individuals like yourself. I kill for a good cause; you slaughter just because you can." Said Gion with an ugly expression as she eyed Diddy, who chuckled.

"Hehe, you're damn right about that; I only attacked this ship because I can; that's the fun thing about it. Unlike you stupid marines who are forced to listen to the orders of your superiors, I can do whatever the hell I want, and the only way to stop me from doing something is to kill me." Remarked Diddy with a feral grin, though to Gion, he sounded like an utter lunatic.

"That's exactly why I kill pirates like you who think they can do whatever they want; the world needs order, and all you pirates do is destroy the order we so preciously strive for and spread your chaos." Stated Gion with venom in her voice as she clenched her fist while Diddy yawned in boredom.

"Order and justice, that's all you marines care about; don't you know Order and Chaos go hand in hand? One can't exist without the other; no matter what you do, there will always be chaos. Justice, on the other hand, is subjective; only the strong can decide what justice is. The world government is the strongest organization, so it gets to decide what justice actually is." Declared Diddy lightly as he glanced at Gion while thinking about other things.

"Listen, I've gotten bored of this; I've got no desire to change your thinking or justify my actions. I'll do whatever the hell I want, and if you wish to stop me, it's simple: kill me." Added DIddy, twisting his head back to normal and ignoring Gion as he hopped down a large hole leading to the lower levels.

Landing on the floor, I looked back up and eyed Gion, who was just staring at me from above; glaring at her, I waited a few seconds, and right when I was about to yank her down, which would've resulted in me breaking a limb or two, she finally hopped down, landing beside me.

"Take that long again; I'll break your legs and drag you around everywhere." Said Diddy while growling in annoyance as he looked at Gion before turning around and heading toward the medical ward.

Gion no longer said anything and instead just quietly followed behind me, which I enjoyed as I hummed a random song from my past life. While walking, I noticed Gion would constantly look out the windows whenever we passed one and sport an ugly expression every time, causing me to smirk.

"Heh, if you're looking for reinforcements, they won't be coming for quite some time. Besides, it's already been a few hours since the raid; if reinforcements were notified, I have a feeling they would've long since arrived." Remarked Diddy with a smirk as he glanced at Gion behind him before looking out the window alongside her.

"Why aren't they coming?" Asked Gion as she squinted her eyes and glared at Diddy, who merely shrugged his shoulders.

"I know why, and you'll probably figure it out after thinking long enough, but I won't tell you, where is the fun in that? Just because I'm a pirate doesn't mean I'm stupid; if I were stupid, Freyja probably would've killed me already." Replied Diddy with a grin as he turned down the hall, Gion quietly following him.

Funnily enough, we happened to walk down a hall that had a communications room, and Gion noticed it shortly after I did; once we arrived near the door, Gion didn't waste a single moment and lunged into the room, heading right for the transponder snails, not that I was about to let her ruin everything we've worked for.

Dashing in right after her, I grabbed the back of her head with my foot before slamming her into the ground, her face cracking the entire floor. She went limp for a second, though she quickly regained her bearings and tried attacking me, but, with my holding her head down with my foot, she couldn't do much.

"You two, continue doing what you were doing." Ordered Diddy calmly as he glanced at the two agents Sebas had brainwashed.

"Yes, Diddy." Said the two simultaneously with empty eyes as they nodded before turning around in their chairs.

"Now, what did I say would happen if you did something stupid, Gion?" Asked Diddy with a raised eyebrow as he looked down at Gion, who angrily looked back up at him.

"Tch, do you worse!" Yelled Gion defiantly as she looked up at Diddy, prepared to be viciously tortured.

Not bothering her words, I reached down and grabbed her arm before suddenly twisting and snapping it, breaking it into two different locations.

"Just so you know, It's not like I enjoy this; there isn't anything fun about breaking the limbs of a defeated opponent; it just makes my life easier." Said Diddy calmly as he finished breaking Gion's second arm before moving her legs.

Snapping and twisting her legs, I released her head, and the instant I did so, she tried to bite me, though I just kicked her in the face while wrapping my tail around her hair.

"Annoying." Muttered Diddy with a growl as he turned around and left the communications room while dragging an immobilized Gion by her hair.

With Gion being unable to do anything, the walk to the medical ward was calming and peaceful, which was exactly what I needed when I entered the room of chaos.

Opening the door to the medical ward, I stood there like a statue for a solid five seconds at what I was witnessing; to the far left, partially hidden behind some curtains, I saw Scar and Freyja fucking; Grand and Mael were fighting each other for some reason, Trenza had Janet in a rear naked choke, and Sebas was in the other corner of the room calmly sitting down while overlooking everything.

'I'm about to kill someone.' Thought Diddy in anger as he swept his eyes through the medical ward.

Taking a deep breath, I released a loud roar, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and look at me.

"Captain." Said Grand and Mael as they stopped punching each other and looked at Diddy.

"Eh, Captain?" Remarked Trenza and Janet, the two freezing as they stared at Diddy standing in the doorway.

"Captain. Wish to join us, Diddy? I've got two holes no one is using." Said Scar and Freyja, respectively, though one sounded slightly embarrassed while the other souded seductive.

"Everyone has exactly ten seconds to stop what they're doing, or one of the people in this room is dying." Stated Diddy in a deep voice as he eyed his crewmates, causing them all to quickly separate themselves.

After a few seconds, everyone had silently separated themselves, well almost silently; Freyja was lying in her bed, pleasuring herself, not caring for the fact that everyone could hear her moans.

"G-Give me a second, I'm about to ~Ahh~ Cum." Said Freyja lightly, her seductive moans causing everyone but Diddy to blush; not even Gion was spared.

Right when ten seconds had passed, I brandished my nails and lunged toward Freyja after releasing hold of Gion; however, straight when I approached her, she arched her body and sprayed juices all over my face.

"Ahh, that felt good; oh, Diddy, I didn't see you there; how do you like the taste of my juices?" Remarked Freyja with a massive grin as she looked at Diddy's soaked fur and wet face.

"Hahaha, I'm so glad you're fully healed, as I'm going to fucking kill you, Freyja!" Yelled Diddy angrily with a chaotic chuckle as he lunged at Freyja, grabbing her by the neck and crashing her through the wall until they emerged outside of the ship.

"Good luck with that, Diddy; I'm stronger than before!" Replied Freyja with a smirk as she instantly transformed into her Satan soul form; she and Diddy engaged in an intense battle just outside the ship.

"Haa, Captain's lucky. I wish I were in Diddy's shoes." Said both Trenza and Janet with blushed cheeks as they and everyone else looked out the window, watching their Captain and Vice-captain practically fight to death.



"Tch, you're lucky this raid isn't over; just wait, Freyja!" Stated Diddy angrily as he glared at Freyja while the Frenzy pirates walked up several flights of stairs, heading toward the very top of the ship.

"Hmph, oh please, I bet you were secretly happy to be covered in my juices; stop lying to yourself, Diddy." Replied Freyja with a huff as she folded her arms and glanced at Diddy, causing arcs of lightning to spark off his body.

"It's taking a considerable amount of willpower not to rip your beating heart out of your body and eat it." Said Diddy with a vicious glint as he stared at Freyja's left breast.

"Hoho, I know you two are angry, but please, conduct yourselves accordingly; we're about to meet a Celestial Dragon." Remarked Sebas softly from behind as he chuckled in amusement at Diddy and Freyja's bickering

"If Saint Xalrons opens his mouth, I'm burning his arm off." Declared Mael with a wrathful look in his eyes while walking beside Sebas.

"No one is harming Saint Xalrons until our ship is in position, understand?" Ordered Diddy with a frown as he glanced at Mael, who grunted in anger though he still nodded.

Arriving at the second highest point on the ship, we approached the large double doors, which spelled the words Saint Xalrons in golden writing above them.