Chapter 193: Mael's Confidence

"I must give them props for lasting that long against Captain, but are they still alive?" Asked Mael with an unsightly expression as he stood at the ship's edge, glancing at the unconscious Pandemonium floating in the ocean.

"They're still alive, though just barely; however, if nothing is done, they will die." Replied Sebas with a slight frown as he stood beside Mael while overlooking Pandemonium, who was grievously injured and was leaking gallons of blood every few seconds.

"Ugh, I had told Captain they're children; how can he still be so brutal." Said Trenza with a pitiful frown as she gazed at the duo sea kings before glancing at Diddy hovering in the air, just above Pandemonium.

"Eh, well, Captain has apparently wiped out two entire islands, so this is probably him being pretty nice." Remarked Grand with a wry expression as he rubbed his head while looking to his left, glancing at Trenza, who nodded while grumbling under her breath.



Looking down at the defeated and dying Pandemonium, I was decently impressed by their strength; they were stronger than your average sea king, and their defensive capabilities were astoundingly high since not only can the turtle hide inside its shell, but so can the snake. I had managed to break through their shell during the battle, but my goodness, it took a considerable amount of effort; the top of their shell now looked like the surface of the moon, littered with craters and pits.

'Heh, though, that was a decently satisfying fight; now, I just got to stop them from dying.' Mused Diddy with a feral grin while standing atop Nimbus as he hovered over the critically wounded Pandemonium.

Holstering Naga-sa onto my back, I leaped off Nimbus, causing it to quickly enter my body while I landed atop the unconscious Pandemonium, though, through my haki, I could tell their life force was dwindling, and quite quickly at that, they'll probably die in less than ten minutes if nothing is done.

"Heh, I'm quite glad I decided to master that technique rather than skipping over it; it's saved me a lot of trouble." Muttered Diddy with a smirk as he squatted down before resting his hand atop Pandemonium.

Focusing on Pandemonium's dwindling life force, I used the technique I've used on Freyja and Sebas in the past and began to transfer my highly abundant life force into them; within a few seconds, they already absorbed more life force than either Freyja or Sebas have combined, and yet, I still continued to pour my life force into them, as at this point, it was partially a test to see how much vitality did I truly have.

One minute passed, and by then, I had poured so much of my vitality into Pandemonium that they couldn't take anymore; they were overflowing from my life force. Removing my hand, I opened my eyes and stood, yet, other than a faint sense of weakness and exhaustion, I, otherwise, felt entirely fine, and I couldn't help but grin as I had finally got a rough idea of the extent of my seemingly boundless life force.

"Well, I knew I didn't have an infinite amount of vitality, but my goodness, I had just transferred enough to fill a sea king completely, and I still felt good. I could probably do that a few more times before the effects start to become really apparent, and even then, I'd still be able to do it some more." Said Diddy with an astonished expression as he clenched his fist before glancing at Pandemonium, who, despite still being grievously injured, looked much more lively than before.

Chuckling, I leaped off Pandemonium and landed on Nimbus as I floated back to my ship, which had just been replaced.

'Hmm, though, we'll need to build some stuff on the back of Pandemonium, but that's for later.' Mused Diddy lightly as he glanced behind him before leaping off Nimbus and landing on the deck of his ship, only to be given an annoyed look by Trenza.

"What's your deal?" Asked Diddy as he glanced at Trenza in confusion, causing her to roll her eyes and scoff while he shrugged his shoulders and looked away.

"So, will our new crew mate die, or have my eyes misjudged me? Is Pandemonium not as terribly wounded as they seem to be?" Questioned Sebas lightly as he looked at Diddy, who smirked before the two glanced at Pandemonium.

"Heh, no, Pandemonium is definitely as badly injured as they look; they wouldn't last the next five minutes if I hadn't transferred my life force to them. Now, though, they should be fine; we just need to stand guard for other sea kings who might want to take advantage of Pandemonium's defenseless state." Remarked Diddy with a feral smirk as he leaned against the mast, glancing at Sebas, who seemed quite surprised, before looking at Pandemonium in the distance

"You had enough vitality for that, Captain?" Asked Sebas skeptically as he intently observed Diddy, who nodded back.

"Yeah, I was surprised too, but thanks to that, I now have a rough understanding of how much vitality I have at my disposal, and let's just say It can only be measured by sea kings." Replied Diddy with a grin as he nodded and crossed his arms before glancing at Mael.

"So, do they have your respect now, Mael?" Added Diddy with a smirk, causing Mael to raise an eyebrow before he glanced at Pandemonium and nodded.

"Yes, they managed to last roughly 12 minutes against you; that's longer than I initially did." Replied Mael as he gazed upon Pandemonium's enormous figure with respect before glancing back at Diddy.

"Heh, to be fair, I found it quite annoying to fight against you as you burnt all my fur off, but I'm soaking wet right now, so I could use a good drying." Stated Diddy with a feral grin as he licked his fangs while eyeing Mael, who faintly smirked before tightly grabbing his golden axe off his back, wisps of plasma emerging from his body.

"My heat will do much more than simply dry you, Captain; I've gotten stronger since our first fight, and my battle with Enel helped overcome my problem with lightning." Declared Mael solemnly as he spread his two pairs of wings before taking to the sky, while Diddy chuckled before leaping into the air after him, floating atop Nimbus.

"Hehe, I like the confidence, Mael, but you must understand, Mael, you're not the only one getting stronger." Said Diddy as he unholstered Naga-sa off his back, holding it tightly while eyeing Mael, who grinned in response.

"Well then, let's see how much you've improved since then, Captain!" Yelled Mael with a large grin as he flapped his wings, speedily flying towards Diddy while his golden axe was coated in a thin layer of plasma.

"Hehe, battle after battle! What fun!" Remarked Diddy with an ecstatic expression, flying towards Mael while standing atop Nimbus as lightning danced across Naga-sa.

"So, how much you wanna bet how long Mael will last?" Asked Trenza as she looked up into the sky, watching Diddy and Mael charge toward each other, only to squint her three eyes when the two collided, releasing a bright flash of blue and yellowish light.

"I'm betting 100 Beri Mael last's 8 minutes." Said Grand with a thoughtful expression while watching Diddy and Grand flying through the sky, fighting each other before reaching into his pocket and grabbing a single bill.

"I'm betting 250 Mael makes it to 12 minutes." Stated Scar as he exited the Captain's quarter and approached the duo while gazing up above, following the trail of blue lightning and yellow plasma arching through the sky.

"I see you're going big, Scar; well, I'm betting 300 Mael lasts 14 minutes." Said Trenza as she glanced at Scar before grabbing his and Grand's money and placing them on a barrel along with her own bills.

"No then, let's see who'll win." Added Trenza with a faint smirk as the three looked into the sky while intently watching Mael and counting every second that passed by.



"Captain?" Asked Trenza lightly as she sat in the crow's nest while glancing at Diddy, who was on the opposite side.

"What?" Replied Diddy blandly as he turned and looked at Trenza.

"I've noticed you've been spending much more time in the crow's nest; why is that?" Asked Trenza curiously, her words causing Diddy to frown as he tilted his head in confusion.

"I don't know." Said Diddy lightly, his response causing Trenza to nod before looking away.

'Hmm, why am I up here so often now?' Mused Diddy with a thoughtful expression as he looked at himself before eventually staring at Trenza, only to shrug his shoulders and forget about it.

It's been a few days since our meeting with Pandemonium, and speaking of Pandemonium, they're currently following right behind us after having healed enough; they were still injured, but now, they were at least capable of moving.

Shortly after they had awoken from their slumber, Freyja's stupid ass tried seducing them, but that obviously failed, and I would've given her a beating for trying that on crew mate, but when it happened, I was laying comfortable in my hammock, so I just let it slide. Currently, we're still stuck in the Calm Belt, and it's starting to get annoying; fighting sea king after sea king is only fun in the beginning, and after that, it gets tedious and annoying.

"Hehe, aren't you a good boy, Pandy." Said Trenza softly with a gentle smile as she rubbed the top of Pandemonium's head, causing him to hiss in joy while his twin pouted in jealousy loudly.