Chapter 211: Pandemonium Set Sail!

(Note: I forgot to mention, but I've posted the new bounties on my discord👍🏾)

Hearing a loud roar resound throughout the shore, Scar and I both stopped whatever we were doing and gazed toward the city, causing me to frown as I stood up on the large rock and dusted off my pants before hopping onto the sandy beach below.

"C'mon, it's time to leave, that was Pandy." Remarked Diddy lightly as he approached Naga-sa, which was still stuck in the ground, before lifting and twirling it a few times, getting the sand off only to holster it on his back while Scar nodded.

"Alright." Said Scar as he reached down and picked up his button-down shirt, wearing it before grabbing his black coat and approaching Diddy, who promptly hopped in the air, causing Nimbus to appear beneath his feet.

Once Scar got onto Nimbus, we floated higher into the air before flying back in the direction we initially came, eventually reaching the city, which looked exactly how Freyja and I left it after our big battle, well there was a slight difference, thousands of dried-up husks of me littered the streets.

'Heh, Freyja really went to town; she must've been quite starved.' Mused Diddy with a faint smirk as he looked down at the city below before shaking his head and glancing at Pandemonium, who had undergone a massive change.

Reaching the dock where Pandemonium and our ship were docked, I landed on the ground, and I couldn't help but whistle as I looked at Pandemonium; on the back of Pandy's shell, there was a very large wooden, and despite it easily being several times the size of our previous ship, it only took up a small portion on her shell, which really goes to show the sheer size of Pandemonium. You'd be able to fit an entire city on her back, a small city, but a city nonetheless, and the craziest thing is, they're still very young for sea kings, probably around the age of a toddler if I had to guess, yet they're already the size of an average sea king.

'Heh, I'm eager to see them when fully grown; I just hope I can live that long; given their sheer size, I wouldn't be shocked to know they live upwards of 1,000 years if not more.' Mused Diddy as he looked at Pandy before glancing at their ship, which several men with clouded eyes were walking off of while carrying boxes of articles of clothing.

"Set those in the same spot as the rest of the boxes." Ordered Freyja, looking perfectly healthy as she stood on the ship's edge while eyeing the various men, who all nodded at her words, only for her to sport an ugly expression when she turned to her right.

"Tch, Diddy." Muttered Freyja with an angry grunt as she glared at Diddy, who chuckled in amusement while approaching her.

"Heh, it seems like you're accepting the move rather easily." Remarked Diddy lightly as he hopped onto the railing right in front of Freyja, causing her to fold her arms while scoffing in annoyance.

"Hmph, this ship was getting a little too cramped anyways; besides, the bigger a ship is, the further you are away from me, and I couldn't be more happy about that." Replied Freyja as she eyed Diddy before turning around and gazing at the ship, only to smirk towards the end.

"Hehe, lies. You love sticking close to me, Freyja, and you know it." Said Diddy with a chuckle as he leaned closer to Freyja, only for his figure to suddenly appear standing horizontal on the mast behind her after she tried to slash him using her elongated nails.

"Tsk, I don't love being within your presence one bit; I just don't like it when I don't know what you're up to; after all, I intend to kill you, so it's best for me to know every little detail there is about you." Remarked Freyja with a snort as she calmly retracted her hand before turning around and looking at Diddy, causing him to chuckle while landing on the deck.

"Freyja! Are you okay!?" Exclaimed Scar in worry as he quickly ran towards Freyja, who instantly turned back around in joy as she opened her arms, prompting him to hug her.

"Of course, I'm fine; that bastard of a monkey may be heavy-handed, but he's not going to kill me, you already know that; besides, where have you been?" Replied Freyja with a lovely smile as she tightly hugged Scar before passionately kissing him, only to squat down while stuffing her face into his crotch with a perverted expression.

"C-Captain was teaching me one of his techniques." Said Scar lightly as he looked down at Freyja, his cock instantly hardening, causing her to smile as she grabbed his pants before yanking them down, causing his cock to rest atop her face.

"Well, you can tell me about it later; I was forced to suck so many cocks in order to heal myself; I need your delicious semen to wash away all that dirty cum I swallowed." Said Freyja with a grin as she licked her lips before grabbing Scar's butt and forcefully shoving his cock inside her mouth while she sucked on it like it was a heavenly delicacy.

Watching Freja giving Scar a blowjob, I just grunted in annoyance before leaving them two; I hadn't come here to watch that toilet be put to use; I've seen her do it so many times it was nothing special. Leaping onto the dock, I approached Pandemonium and leaped onto Pandy, landing directly on the wooden platform, which was actually pretty damn solid considering it hadn't trembled at all.

Looking around the wooden platform, I noticed at least a hundred men were working on the wooden platform, seemingly beginning to finally start building actual rooms and whatnot, but it was still decently far away; it would take at least another two more days before the entire first floor was completed.

'Still, this is much faster than what I was expecting.' Mused Diddy as he watched everyone work before approaching Sebas, who was sitting on a wooden chair alongside Mael and Trenza, calmly watching everything.

"Oh, Captain, you've finally arrived; I presume Scar is with you as well?" Asked Sebas with a faint smile as he looked at Diddy, who folded his arms and nodded.

"He was. He's now with Freyja, who is pleasuring him with her mouth, so they won't be here for a couple more minutes; anyways, why did Pandy roar? Is it about time for us to leave or what? Also, where is Grand?" Replied Diddy as he hopped in the air, causing Nimbus to appear beneath him while he used it as a makeshift chair.

"Hmph, that's all they do when those two are together, sex, sex and more sex." Muttered Mael with an annoyed scoff as he folded his arms and looked away while both Trenza and Sebas nodded in agreement.

"I had Pandy roar to alert you and Scar that we're ready to set sail, Captain; we're just waiting for your orders now. We've already transferred everything from the old ship onto Pandy; the only thing left was Freyja's clothes, which they seem to have just arrived with." Remarked Trenza lightly as she looked at Diddy before glancing at the men carrying several boxes of clothes, only for them to set it down beside numerous other boxes.

"As for Grand, he had leaped into the ocean like an hour ago since he wanted to catch his own food, and he hasn't resurfaced in the past ten or so minutes." Added Trenza with a frustrated look as she shook her head before gesturing to the water, prompting Diddy to nod.

"So, if everything is read, there is no point in delaying any longer. Let's get the fuck off this island; It's pretty boring, and there is nothing left to do." Remarked Diddy with a smirk as he glanced between the three, who all nodded while softly smiling.

"Hehe, let's go! I can't wait to raid a pirate ship; they're going to be so frightened of me! Trenza Daiquiri Visage! It'll strike fear into the hearts of our enemies!" Remarked Trenza joyfully with a wicked smirk as she held Sunaipu, eager to cause some chaos, while the other three merely watched a raised eyebrow.

"Sure, whatever you say, Trenza." Said Mael casually with a nod as he looked at Trenza, who was too lost in her own words to respond.

Just as I was about to get Bonnie and Clyde, I heard a splash followed by a familiar boisterous laughter, causing me to float over the edge of Pandy's shell and look down at the water, only to see Grand holding a shark, which was roughly three times his size.

"Hahaha! Captain! I've got food!" Yelled Grand in joy as he held up the shark, causing Diddy to nod while lightning started to coil around Nimbus.

"Cool, now get up here; we're setting sail." Ordered Diddy as a thick lightning bolt struck the shark in Grand's hand, burning it beyond recognition and charring the insides, causing him to pout while reluctantly nodding.

Leaving Grand, I flew back towards our ship, where Freyja had Scar bent over the railing and was eating his spread ass, something I found utterly disturbing on so many different levels.

'Ugh, aren't you a fucking man? Where the hell is your pride?' Thought Diddy as he looked at Freyja and Scar, shivering in disgust before landing on the deck beside the mast.

Stabbing my nails into the mast, I clutched it tightly before ripping the entire mast off the ship's hull, only to then use it as a bat as I sent Freyja and Scar flying towards Pandemonium. Leaping back onto Nimbus, I fell back towards Pandemonium, only to land on Pandy's head while holding the mast outward into the sea.

"Let's go, Pandy! Lead us onto our next adventure!" Yelled Diddy with a chaotic grin as the Frenzy jolly roger waved in the wind while Pandy let out a loud roar before quickly swimming away, carrying along nearly two hundred extra passengers, but she couldn't even feel the difference.