Chapter 235: Frenzy Chaos

"Scar, what's wrong? These past few weeks, I noticed that you've been spending less and less time with me. Did I do something?" Asked Freyja softly as she leaned on Scar's back while pressing her large breasts onto him.

"Nothing." Replied Scar as he glanced at Freyja before shaking his head and standing up, removing himself from her hug.

"You don't want to continue? I'm still very wet and horny." Said Freyja with a lustful look as she spread her legs and played with her sopping wet pussy, prompting Scar to glance at her before shaking his and putting on his clothes.

"No, sorry, I've got training to do. Maybe tonight." Said Scar calmly as he left the room after wearing his clothes, closing the door behind him and leaving Freyja alone.

Watching Scar leave, I couldn't help but sigh as I plopped back onto the bed while looking at the ceiling; it's been nearly a month since Diddy was captured, and the first few days were some of the best I've had in years, yet, then things started to go downhill real quick. Mael, Sebas, and I are constantly butting heads, and it's only continued to get worse; we're fighting nearly every day, and it's only further tearing this crew apart; not like we were much of a crew, to begin with, but at least with Diddy's presence, we at most annoyed each other, though now… Now I want to kill Mael and Sebas whenever they piss me off, and I'm sure they're beginning to feel the same, if not already.

'Haa, to think this is all because of Diddy being absent; even when he's not here to actively fuck with my life, he still somehow manages to fuck with my life.' Thought Freyja in annoyance as she rolled onto her side and looked out the window, eyeing the tens of shipwrights now turned slaves they kidnapped from Water Seven.

Rubbing my face, I left the bed and exited the room, uncaring that I wasn't wearing any clothes; after all, everyone here had already seen me naked plenty of times before, so it honestly didn't matter. While walking through the base, I passed Grand, who had just left the kitchen, prompting me to smile at him, which he reciprocated, slightly elevating my mood since, among everyone, my relationship with Grand has pretty much stayed the same, unlike the other five.

Leaving the base, I walked atop Pandy's shell and speaking of Pandemonium, they've also become rather unyielding; they don't listen to either I, Mael, or Sebas. Granted, we're all stronger than Pandemonium, and I'm more than confident in defeating them; it's just they're our ship. They're one of the last people I'd ever want to anger or fight against; thankfully, they still listen to Trenza, so we weren't completely fucked, but because of that, we've wasted many days with her constantly trying to go towards Impel Down to rescue Diddy.

"Hmph, tsk, fucking monkey. You better return soon, or I'm killing either Mael or Sebas." Muttered Freyja softly with a murderous glint in her eyes as flames escaped from her mouth, only for her to shake her head and eye Trenza, who was sitting atop Pandy's massive head.

Spreading my wings, I took to the skies with a single flap and hovered in place as I approached Trenza while gracefully landing on Pandy's head the instant I did so, I heard her growl though Trenza's soothing helped calm her down; though I was more focused on Sebas's mind that I could faintly sense.

'Tsk, fucking old man.' Mused Freyja angrily as she glared back at the base, only for Trenza's voice to shift her focus.

"What do you want, Freyja?" Asked Trenza coldly as she didn't even need to turn around to know who it was.

"I just wanted to ask how far away are we from Sabody Archipelago?" Asked Freyja lightly as he folded her arms and glanced at Trenza, who scoffed in annoyance.

"Hmph, we'll be there soon." Replied Trenza as she dismissively waved her hand, causing Freyja to frown while furrowing her brows.

"I'd like a more accurate timeline rather than just 'soon'." Said Freyja, earning another scoff from Trenza.

"Tch, we'll get there when we'll get there, now fuck off." Stated Trenza coldly as she looked far off into the sea with her three pupilless eyes, only for Freyja to click her tongue.

"Tsk, I'm being nice right now, Trenza, so stop acting like a bitch, and tell me when we'll get there; I'm still the Vice-captain." Declared Freyja in a commanding tone as she approached Trenza, intently eyeing her, causing her to suddenly stand up before turning around and aggressively staring at her.

"Are you? Father and Mael don't think you're the Vice-captain, so why should I have to? We'll get to Sabody Archipelago whenever the fuck we get there, capeesh, Freyja?" Questioned Trenza aggressively as she pressed her chest against Freyja's, staring into her eyes while resting her hand atop Sunaipu, reading to shoot within a moment's notice.

"That's because, unlike you, they actually have the strength to back up their words; you're just a weakling, Trenza. One that I could kill before you even blink." Remarked Freyja as she narrowed her eyes and raised her elongated nails towards Trenza's neck, yet she hardly reacted even as they gently slid against her skin.

"Why don't we test that theory, Freyja." Said Trenza coldly as she unholstered Sunaipu and shoved the barrel right underneath her chin, the hammer already cocked back.

Just when Trenza and I were about to kill the other, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a tall tree in the distance with a massive, green canopy, causing me to slightly furrow my brows as I ignored Trenza before walking towards the front of Pandy's head while she did the same.

"Tsk, Sabody Archipelago, happy? Now fuck off!" Stated Trenza viciously as she plopped on her butt and holstered her pistol before closing her eyes and ignoring Freyja, who grunted in annoyance.

Leaving Trenza all alone, I left Pandy's head and hopped down onto her shell before heading back towards my room to wear some clothes since I was going to explore Sabody Archipelago, and my nude body wasn't something anyone could just see for free. Well, unless you wish to die.



Landing on Sabody Archipelago, I looked around and couldn't help but marvel at this beautiful island; the amazing trees, the bubbles floating through the air, everything was so fantastic.

"Beautiful." Muttered Freyja softly with a smile as she slowly spun in a circle, only to shake her head before eyeing the Ferris wheel far off in the distance.

"Sabody Archipelago, even more stunning than I could foresaw." Said Sebas lightly with a faint smile as he gently landed on the ground, followed by Mael, Grand, Scar, and Trenza.

"Kind of reminds of Skypiea in a way." Commented Grand lightly as he looked around, only to reach out and touch one of the bubbles popping.

"Tch, there better not be someone like Enel here." Said Mael deeply as he folded his arms and eyed the distant city, only to spread his wings and take to the skies, though before he could go far, he was suddenly forced to a halt.

"Don't forget, Celestial Dragons frequent this place. Make sure to stay somewhat discreet; we're still wanted for raiding a Celestial Dragons ship." Stated Sebas with a frown as he eyed Mael, who grunted in slight anger while forcefully escaping from his telekinetic hold.

"Tch, don't tell me what to do, Sebas, I already know." Said Mael angrily as he squinted at Sebas, who frowned while lowering his arm.

"I was merely reminding you, as you're known to not be one who puts things into much thought." Said Sebas lightly with a frown as he glanced at Mael, only for a golden axe to suddenly embed itself into the ground right before him.

"Are you calling me stupid, Sebas?" Asked Mael furiously in a deep voice as he towered over Sebas while glaring down at him, causing him to chuckle.

"Hoho, not at all; even stupid people tend to learn from their past mistakes and think before doing something; you're more like someone who is mentally inept." Replied Sebas lightly with a faint smile, his words causing Mael to clench his fists as the temperature began to ascend rapidly, melting the surrounding area.

Just before Mael could attack Sebas, I appeared between them and grabbed the blade of his axe after coating my hand in haki, protecting it; otherwise, my hand would've been cut cleanly in half.

"Move, Freyja; I'll deal with you later." Declared Mael aggressively as he narrowed his eyes at Freyja while increasing the temperature of his axe, though her haki was able to ward it off.

"Tsk, no, you won't, Mael, and you, Sebas, can you go one minute without saying something smart?" Remarked Freyja as she intently eyed Mael before turning and looking at Sebas, who once again chuckled.

"Hoho, if you assumed that was me being smart, then I have bad news for you; if I don't lower my intellect a few notches, it'll be hard to converse." Stated Sebas softly with a mocking look as he glanced at Freyja and Mael, who both sported ugly expressions.

"Tch, you may be smarter, but I'll still kill you, so shut your mouth before I rip your head from that frail body of yours!" Declared Freyja angrily as she eyed Sebas, only for Mael to suddenly raise his axe before slamming it down towards him, though a telekinetic barrier stopped him.

"Bastard! What did I just fucking say!?" Exclaimed Freyja angrily as she punched Mael in the stomach, flinging him several meters, while she herself suddenly grabbed her head in pain before spewing forth a torrent of flames at Sebas, forcing him backward.

"I'm going to kill you!" Stated Mael, Freyja, and Sebas said simultaneously as they engaged in a three-way battle. Freyja took the lead thanks to her haki, though the other two weren't slouches.