Chapter 283: Waging War

"Totto Land? We just clashed against the Black Beard pirates two months ago, and now we intend to fight the Big Mom pirates? That'll be a war, one we don't have enough strong pirates for." Remarked Freyja with a raised eyebrow as she folded her arms and eyed Diddy, who simply grinned.

"Hehe, so? If the pirates die, they are simply too weak. Besides, they only need to survive until I defeat Linlin; once she's been defeated, they'll stop, and if they don't, I'll kill them." Declared Diddy with a smirk and a grin as he looked at Freyja, who rolled her eyes in annoyance before shaking her head and scoffing.

"Even if that's the case, we're still recuperating our losses from our clash against the Blackbeard pirates, so is now really the best time to attack another Emperor of the Sea? Or will you do like usual and ignore everyone's advice?" Asked Freyja lightly as she stared at Diddy, who nodded, causing her to groan while aggressively rubbing her head.

"I'm not ignoring your advice, Freyja, I'm listening, and I'm weighing the pros and cons; though you see, the thing is, I just don't care about the cons so long as I get to enjoy a good battle." Replied Diddy lightly with a smirk as he gazed at Freyja, who blankly stared at him in disbelief.

"You say that as if I believe you; I can count on my hand how many times you've heeded my advice. I'll need two hands for Sebas and three hands if I include everyone." Said Freyja blandly as she held her hands in the air, causing Diddy to chuckle before he gently smacked her head faster than she could react.

"Hehehe, then don't believe me; I don't really care; either way, we're heading towards Totto land, whether you like it or not." Remarked Diddy with a feral grin as he exited the captain's quarters while an irritated Freyja followed behind, the two leaving behind the wall of numerous defeated enemies.

"Tsk, whatever, I don't care either; arguing with you is pointless anyways, and I'd rather not waste my bewitching voice on your ears." Said Freyja in irritation as she rubbed her head while following Diddy; the two walked through the fortress, encountering many pirates that moved out of the way, none daring to anger the most notorious Frenzy pirates.

"Speaking of bewitching, when will you get a picture of Hancock on there? Last time you fought, didn't it end in a draw?" Asked Diddy curiously, his words causing Freyja to clench her fist while her face contorted into anger.

"Hmph, don't remind me; I should've beaten her last time." Muttered Freyja in slight anger as she cocked her head to the side, causing Diddy to raise an eyebrow before shrugging his shoulders in indifference.

"Well, whenever you beat her, we could use her as a motivation tool for our pirates; after all, what's going to motivate a man better than the opportunity to sleep with the second most beautiful woman in the world?" Asked Diddy with a wicked smirk while Freyja faintly smiled before nodding in agreement.

"Heh, that doesn't sound half-bad, turning her into the Frenzy Pirates community plaything, though only after I fuck her first." Said Freyja with a smile as she reached into her pants, pleasuring herself while imaging Hancock and her.

"~Ahh~, just thinking about fucking that woman got me horny; I'm going to fuck some pirates. Follow if you want to join." Added Freyja lustfully as she glanced at Diddy before grasping his cock, yet before her hand could even get close, a bullet from seemingly nowhere prevented her from doing so.

"Hey! How many times must I tell you, Freyja!? Captain is my man!" Yelled Trenza in annoyance as she stood on the balcony and eyed Freyja with Sunaipu in hand.

"Hehe, I was just making sure." Said Freyja softly with an innocent smile as she retracted her hand and glanced at Trenza, only to wink at Diddy.

"Whenever you get bored with her, you know where to find me." Muttered Freyja softly as she blew a kiss at Diddy, causing everyone in the vicinity to collapse onto the ground from blood loss as it leaked from their nose.

Watching Freyja leave, I glanced at Trenza, who was aggressively giving me 'fuck me' eyes, something she does whenever Freyja tries flirting with me; I also indulge her every time, but right now, it was going to have to wait a little, bit.

"Trenza, get everyone to the deck in ten minutes; I'm making an announcement." Stated Diddy lightly as he looked at Trenza, who holstered Sunaipu and nodded before blowing him a kiss while revealing her petite breasts, enticing him.

"~Right away, Captain~." Said Trenza seductively as she winked at Diddy before fixing her shirt and turning around, leaving him greatly aroused.

Grunting in annoyance, I left the scene of my unconscious crew and headed towards the kitchen, where I spent those ten minutes gorging myself on food as it's been a little over a week since I'd eaten, so I was rather hungry.

Once it was time to announce our war with the Big Mom Pirates, I stood up and walked down the empty fortress before arriving on the deck, where I could see a few thousand crew members; among the Emperors of the Sea, the Frenzy pirates were definitely the smallest, granted we were still recuperating our loss from the fight with Blackbeard. Even though Blackbeard and I became Emperors of the Sea around the same time, he has an entire island filled with pirates, and while Pandemonium has grown over the two years, capable of housing an entire city on her shell, it was no island, not to mention compared to the other Emperors we engage in quite a lot of fighting because of my battle lust, which constantly reduces our numbers.

'Though, not like I really care; they may be part of the Frenzy pirates, but I don't see them as so. I wouldn't have even bothered letting so many weaklings join if it weren't for Sebas convincing me.' Mused Diddy calmly as he gazed at the numerous pirates before shaking his head and leaping onto the balcony.

My commanders and officers, the only people I even remotely cared about, were present, and that's all that mattered.

"Hoho, what could this announcement be, Captain?" Asked Sebas curiously with a soft chuckle as he stood on the balcony beside Diddy, who smirked while Freyja rolled her eyes.

"Knowing Captain, it's probably something crazy. Are you waging war on the Revolutionary Army or something?" Asked Mael calmly as he folded his arms and looked at Diddy, who shook his head before adorning a thoughtful expression.

"Nope. Though, now that you mention it, we should do that soon." Muttered Diddy with a feral smile, his words causing everyone to sigh, only for him to suddenly slam Naga-sa onto the floor.

Gathering everyone's attention, I summoned Nimbus from my body and raised it into the air while morphing into the image of Linlin.

"Well, you weren't too far off, Mael." Said Scar softly as he glanced at Mael, who grunted while eyeing the cloudy image of Linlin.

"As everyone can see, this is Charlotte Linlin, also known as Big Mom, Emperor of the Sea. We're waging war on the Big Mom pirates, so everyone better be prepared, as only the strong will survive." Declared Diddy loudly with a grin as he pointed at Nimbus in the air, his words surprising everyone, excluding Freyja.

"Eh, Big Mom pirates? That's actually not that bad; I heard she has many different species from around the world in Totto Land. I hope I can get some pictures of them." Said Janet lightly with widened eyes as she looked at Diddy, only to adorn a thoughtful expression while nodding in agreement.

"Hahaha, Big Mom pirates!" Yelled Grand excitedly as he raised his fists into the air.

"Yes! Finally!" Said Chala with a ferocious smile while her white horns emitted frost.

"Haa, it was only a matter of time." Muttered Trenza lightly as she rubbed her head and glanced at Nimbus.

After announcing my declaration, I grabbed Nimbus and absorbed it into my body before eyeing Pandy.

"You heard me, Pandy, head towards Totto Land here; this should work, right?" Asked Diddy as he reached into his pocket before grabbing a small piece of paper, prompting Pandy to lick it with his forked tongue.

After Pandy gave it a few licks, he ate it, and although it took a little while, he eventually opened his eyes before nodding, causing me to grin as he went to communicate with Mony about our plan. Now that everything was ready, I glanced at my crew before turning around and walking away, grabbing Trenza with my tail as I headed toward my hammock on the roof.

"Captain, I-I know I teased you earlier, but can you not use my mouth or pussy? They're still in pain from last night and this morning." Said Trenza apologetically as she looked at Diddy, who grunted in annoyance while throwing her onto his hammock.

"Tsk, fine, I'll use your other hole." Remarked Diddy as he mounted Trenza, who wasn't even able to say anything before he ripped her pants off, only to stuff himself balls deep within her arse.

"U-Ugh, g-gentle, t-this is my first time." Muttered Trenza softly, though unluckily for her, Diddy ignored her words and mercilessly pounded her hole.