Chapter 311: Flower Capital

"Even so, I'm greatly saddened he let such a beautiful country turn to something as horrendous as this." Said Sebas with a slight sigh as he gazed at the wasteland that was Wano, causing everyone else to tilt their heads in confusion.

"Well, you are a fossil yourself, so I'm not surprised that you remember what Wano used to look like." Said Freyja lightly as she landed on the ground beside Scar while glancing at Sebas, whose expression constantly twitched from her condescending words.

"Hoho, I may be well in age, but at least I didn't bring a plethora of diseases with me, so there is that, Freyja." Remarked Sebas calmly while stroking his bearded chin as he glanced at Freyja, who rolled her eyes before grabbing Scar's arm and placing it between her ample cleavage.

"Hilarious, Sebas; I didn't know you were a comedian; now, make a joke I'll actually laugh at." Said Freyja blandly as she gazed at Sebas with indifference, causing him to chuckle while he promptly ignored her, shifting his focus to Mael, who wasn't alone.

"Eh, you're taking her with you? I thought she was our prisoner or something." Asked Janet with a raised eyebrow as she glanced at Mael before looking at the pink-haired woman with curly eyebrows wearing her special suit.

"Hmph, she's not; besides, even if she were, she wouldn't be able to escape from me." Replied Mael with a huff as he glanced at Janet, who gave him a look of annoyance before shaking her head.

"What was her name again?" Asked Trenza curiously as she whispered to Diddy, who shrugged his shoulders, causing her to stare blankly at him.

"Is her name even important? She's not that strong." Remarked Chala as she glanced at Trenza before looking at the woman calmly standing beside Mael.

"The name is Reiju, for any of those who care." Said Reiju calmly as she glanced at Trenza while ignoring Chala, who did the same, not wasting her time on someone she deemed weak.

"Reiju? That's quite a nice name; I got stuck with Trenza by a certain someone." Said Trenza lightly as she glanced at Reiju with a faint smile before shifting her focus to Sebas, who chuckled in amusement.

"Oh, please, Trenza; your name's not bad. If anything, Scar's name is bad; so unoriginal." Said Grand lightly as he gently rubbed Trenza's head before pointing at Scar, prompting the two to nod silently.

"Why the hell was I brought into this?" Asked Scar in slight annoyance as he glanced at Trenza, who playfully stuck her tongue out while Grand just laughed, causing him to shake his head.

"Blah, blah, blah; alright, stop talking. I didn't come here just to listen to guys talk about a bunch of useless shit." Stated Diddy as he pointed his finger into the sky, causing several arcs of lightning to lunge toward his crewmates, though they all managed to either dodge or destroy it.

"C'mon, Diddy, don't you know size matters?" Asked Freyja with a faint smirk as she winked at Diddy, who didn't even bother looking her way.

"Oi, you better not start anything, Freyja." Said Trenza sternly as she narrowed her eyes at Freyja, who chuckled before flashing her breast, causing even the near-emotionless Reiju to faintly blush.

Walking towards the front of the group, I unholstered Naga-sa and slammed it onto the ground, gathering everyone's attention.

"Alright, everyone; we came to Wano for one reason and one reason only. To fight Kaido and the Beast Pirates! Now, so long as you don't end up fighting Kaido, I don't care what you do." Stated Diddy with a smile as he looked at everyone before turning around, prompting Trenza to suddenly leap onto his back while he wrapped his tail around her, firmly holding her place.

"Now, Frenzy Pirates, go create some chaos!" Added Diddy with a large smile as he leaped into the sky, leaving behind chaotic laughter that caused everyone to roll their eyes.

"Welp, you heard the monkey. C'mon, let's go find somewhere to have some fun; we might even be able to have an orgy." Said Freyja with a smile as she kissed Scar on the cheek before leaping into his arms, prompting him to jump into the air while using geppo.

"Let's get going, Grand; I'm sure Wano has some beautiful places to take pictures of!" Said Janet excitedly as she grabbed Grand's finger and began leading him through the wasteland that was Wano.

"Hoho, I'd be honored if Ms. Chala would accompany me through Wano." Remarked Sebas with a smile as he slightly bowed toward Chala while outstretching his hand, prompting her to tilt her head before grabbing it.

"Your crew… It is very strange. Not what I expected of an Emperor of the Sea." Muttered Reiju as she watched Sebas and Chala flying through the sky before glancing at Mael, who nodded.

"Yeah, they're weird, and my captain is a bit crazy, but you get used to it. Just be ready to possibly die at a moment's notice from my captain's stupid orders, like fighting the Big Mom pirates from out of seemingly nowhere." Stated Mael calmly as he spread his wings, only for a lightning bolt to arc through the sky, yet before it could smite him, he slashed it in half.

"Tsk, he also doesn't mind beating his own crew to near death." Added Mael in slight annoyance as he rested his axe on his shoulder before taking to the skies with a flap of wings, prompting Reiju to follow after him with her specially designed shoes that allow for flight.



"So, knowing you, Captain, I'm assuming we're just flying in a random direction, right?" Asked Trenza as she glanced at Diddy while the two flew through the sky, prompting him to shake his head, surprising her.

"We're not flying in a random direction; we're heading towards that tall mountain over there." Replied Diddy as he pointed at the mountain in the distance, which they were approaching, causing Trenza to raise an eyebrow before grabbing his hand and shifting it down.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with that, but why not just head to that city? It sticks out like a sore amidst this wasteland." Remarked Trenza lightly as she and Diddy glanced at the large city at the foot of the mountain.

"Huh, that's not bad either. Destroying a city like that should hopefully garner Kaido's attention." Said Diddy with a nod as he rubbed his chin with a thoughtful expression, his words causing Trenza to sigh.

"Do we have to destroy it? It looks pretty beautiful; besides, it's like the only city on this apocalyptic Island." Asked Trenza curiously as she kissed Diddy's cheek while rubbing behind his ear, causing him to growl softly before scoffing.

"Hmph, fine, whatever; we'll just kill the people in charge; that should be more than enough anyway." Replied Diddy in slight annoyance, causing Trenza to smile as she gave him another kiss.

"Hehe, thanks, Captain. I'll make sure to give one hell of a reward when we land." Stated Trenza with a smile as she seductively whispered into Diddy's ear while bolding grasping his crotch, causing him to growl once again.

With Trenza's tempting words ringing right into my ear, I quicked my pace as we neared the city, and when we arrived above it, I had to admit, it was indeed very beautiful, though I didn't care about that right now, and instead landed in an alley.

"Huh, what the hell? Where did you two come from!?" Asked an aggressive large man with a katana attached to his waist as he and several others stared at Diddy and Trenza.

"Leave." Said Diddy with a growl as he flared his predator's aura, causing the several men to be engulfed in fear before promptly turning around and fleeing.

While those men fled for their lives, Trenza wasted no time and squatted right in front of my cock, prompting her to take the entire thing in her mouth as she squeezed me with her throat.

"Dosh boe; leb me hable evelyrhig. (Don't move; let me handle everything.)" Said Trenza with a faint smile as she aggressively blew Diddy, sending him to heaven with her technique that she may or may not have learned from Freyja.



"Ugh, my goodness, I didn't think you'd let out so much. I look pregnant now." Muttered Trenza with a slight frown as she glanced at her bulging stomach before glancing at Diddy in slight annoyance.

"Hmph, don't look at me, you're the one who didn't let go of my cock." Remarked Diddy lightly as he glanced at Trenza, who scoffed and rolled her eyes before sighing.

After Trenza did an excellent job of relieving my lust, we left the alley and walked through the city, which was apparently called the Flower Capital, a fitting name if I'm being honest, though again, I didn't really care since if it weren't for Trenza, I would've demolished this city to the ground.

'That building over there should be where all the important people stay.' Mused Diddy lightly as he eyed the mansion on top of a hill in the center of the city.

Now, normally, getting to the leaders would've been an easy thing; I'm a very infamous pirate, after all, so who would dare try to stop me? But, from what Sebas has said, Wano is very Isolated, which explains the several guards circling Trenza and I.

"Who are you!?" Asked the leader as he stepped forward and eyed Diddy, who raised an eyebrow before muttering under his breath.

"Tsk should've just destroyed this city." Said Diddy quietly as he eyed the guard in annoyance.