Chapter 313: Found You

"Hmph, it doesn't matter whether I look or not; it's not like I'm touching her." Replied Diddy with a scoff as he glanced at Trenza, who rolled her eyes while folding her arms, giving him a deep stare.

"Hmm, sure; you're just looking now, but who knows what you'd do if you were left alone with her? Probably wouldn't take long for you to ravage her; you can be quite horny." Stated Trenza with furrowed brows as she skeptically eyed Diddy while looking between him and Hiyori, who was silently gazing at her in confusion.

"Ok, and? What do you expect me to say? Besides, she's got a much higher chance of accidentally dying while I'm training, and I've got no desire to commit necrophilia." Remarked Diddy with a frown as he looked at Trenza while pointing at Hiyori, who attempted to remain inconspicuous.

"Well, I suppose you're not wrong." Muttered Trenza with a thoughtful expression as she eyed Diddy before eventually nodding, only to shoot Orochi, who was trying to escape, in the leg, causing him to fall onto the ground while screaming in pain.

Grunting at Trenza's pointless conversation, I approached the weakling Trenza had shot and slammed his head into the ground with my foot, causing the floor to crack from the sheer force I was exerting.

"Shut up, your screaming is annoying me." Ordered Diddy aggressively as he growled at Orochi while flaring his predator's aura, filling him with fear, prompting him to suppress his screaming, releasing only occasional whimpers.

"Tsk, finally; anyways, you're the one in charge of Wano, correct?" Asked Diddy in slight annoyance as he narrowed his eyes at Orochi, who was too consumed with fear to respond and just blankly stared at him.

Clicking my tongue in annoyance, I lifted the man into the air and slammed his head through the floor before lifting him and tossing him into the wall with my foot.

"Tch, answer the fucking question, I don't like wasting time with cowards or weaklings, and you're both." Said Diddy angrily as he stared at Orochi, who was embedded into the wall while aggressively baring his fangs, which only caused his nose to suddenly scrunch in disgust.

"Heh, did he just piss on himself?" Asked Trenza with amusement as she glanced at Orochi, only to see his crotch leaking, causing her to faintly chuckle.

"Hehe, it reminds me of what Freyja told me about. What was his name? Momonosuke? Speaking of him, that wasn't really nice of you to scare him, Captain; he was just a child." Added Trenza lightly as she eyed Orochi with a faint smirk before suddenly frowning while shifting her focus to the irritated Diddy.

"E-Excuse me, b-but did you just say, Momonosuke?" Asked Hiyori with quivering lips as she stared fixedly at Trenza, who tilted her head before nodding.

"Yeah, why? Do you know him? Is he perhaps your son or something?" Replied Trenza curiously as she glanced at Hiyori, yet before she could say anything, a loud thud resounded throughout the room, grabbing their attention.

"Tch, fucking annoying." Said Diddy in annoyance as he retracted his bo-staff from where Orochi's head used to be, yet now it was nothing but a large hole in the wall.

"Eh, d-did you just kill O-Orochi?" Asked Hiyori in shock and disbelief as she stared at the headless body of Orochi before glancing at Diddy while her eyes began to tear up.

"Hmph, surprisingly, no; somehow, he is still alive. Tsk, of course, the coward has a way to survive death." Replied Diddy in annoyance as he holstered his bo-staff while sitting on the throne, only to punch toward the ceiling, blowing the entire roof off.

"He's alive? How? You crushed his head to literal smithereens; how could anyone survive that?" Asked Trenza in shock as she approached the headless body of Orochi and kicked him a few times, yet there was no reaction.

"I mean, I can still sense his life force, but his head is nowhere to be seen. What the hell? It must be some kind of devil fruit ability." Added Trenza in confusion as she stared at Orochi's body, using her haki to sense his life force before shrugging her shoulders, only to turn and raise Sunaipu at the door.

"H-Hiyori! H-Hiyori!" Yelled Denjiro anxiously as he busted through the door several seconds later, holding his abdomen with one hand and his sword in the other while leaving a trail of blood.

"D-Denjiro! W-What happened!?" Exclaimed Hiyori in concern as she stood up and ran towards Denjiro, who quickly pushed her behind him while pointing his sword at Diddy and Trenza.

"Woah, buddy, think about your next action carefully." Said Trenza lightly as she narrowed her eyes at Denjiro, having already seen several seconds into the future.

Luckily for his sake, he wasn't stupid nor impulsive, and after a few seconds, he lowered his sword and nearly dropped to the ground, prompting Hiyori to assist him while I just leaned against the armrest, waiting for that cowardly bastard to revive himself.

"So, are we just waiting for Orochi to come back to life or what?" Asked Trenza as she approached Diddy before leaping onto his lap while wrapping her arms around his neck, giving off the look of a King with his beloved Queen.

"Hmph, yeah; he should know where Kaido is, and even if he doesn't, hopefully someone will eventually come who does know. I don't feel like running around on a whole goose chase." Replied Diddy with a grunt as he glanced at Trenza while nodding, causing her to humm while resting her head against his shoulder, only to raise an eyebrow when she felt something poking her butt.

"Is that me arousing you or Hiyori?" Asked Trenza suspiciously as she narrowed her eyes at Diddy, who just scoffed in annoyance.

"Instead of asking annoying questions, why don't you just do what you're supposed to do?" Replied Diddy in slight annoyance as he eyed Trenza, who huffed with a frown while folding her arms.

"There are people nearby." "So? They're not going to stop you." Remarked Trenza and Diddy, respectively, his words causing her to roll her eyes while kneeling between his legs.

"Fine, whatever." Muttered Trenza lightly as she didn't hesitate to please Diddy, causing Denjiro to cover Hiyori's eyes while they both blushed.



"…T-That's e-everything I know. P-Please, p-please s-spare me." Said Orochi fearfully as he groveled before Diddy, too terrified to raise his head.

"So, he's on a different island? Onigashima? Huh, that's interesting." Muttered Trenza lightly with a raised eyebrow, sitting on Diddy's lap while he wore a thoughtful expression.

"Heh, it's perfect for us to raid as well." Muttered Diddy with a feral smile as he licked his lips, causing Orochi to fearfully tremble despite not even looking.

While I was imagining how great the raid on Onigashima would be, almost simultaneously, both Trenza and I looked upwards, only to see a small figure rapidly heading towards us; after a few moments, he finally arrived and landed on the ground beside Orochi, not even bothering to look at us.

"Ah, W-Who's-Who!? YES!! Hahahah, kill those bastards! I order you to brutally kill them!" Yelled Orochi in glee with a wicked smile as he stood up while glaring and pointing at Diddy and Trenza, causing Who's-Who to freeze.

"Hehe, Who's-Who? You're a part of the Beast Pirates, right? Tell Kaido the Frenzy pirates are going to raid Onigashima tomorrow morning." Remarked Diddy with a feral smile while his vertical slit eyes stared deeply into Who's-Who's own, causing him to sweat profusely.

Who's-Who didn't say anything and simply nodded before leaping into the sky, using geppo to quickly distance himself from me while he flew in the direction he initially came from.

"P-Please, I-I was ju-" Said Orochi apologetically as he looked at Diddy, yet all he was met with was a bo–staff smashing his head off his body.

"Annoying." Muttered Diddy lightly as he stabbed Naga-sa into the ground beside him while Trenza rolled her eyes.

"We're attacking tomorrow morning? Not giving us any chance to prepare, huh?" Said Trenza with furrowed brows as she looked at Diddy, who promptly ignored her before releasing his conqueror's haki, which rapidly spread throughout Wano and caused tens of thousands to drop to the ground.

Having used my conqueror's haki to signal my crew mates, I felt Freyja's haki fight against my own, which I just ignored while retracing my haki and opening my eyes.

"Everyone should be heading towards our location soon; until then." Said Diddy with a faint smirk as he glanced at Trenza before bending her over, causing Denjiro and Hiyori to blush deeply as they watched the two fuck while not knowing whether to leave or not.



It was the next day, and Pandemonium was heading to Onigashima with all of the Frenzy pirates preparing for the inevitable clash that would happen with the Beast pirates. Currently, I was in the kitchen stuffing my body to the brim with food; if anything from my battle with Linlin told me anything, it was that Kaido and I would be fighting for days.

However, while eating, we finally began running into outposts stationed on large pillars, causing them to shoot cannons at us from exceedingly far away, though it didn't do a single thing to us as Pandy swatted away the incoming cannon fire with his body, his scaly skin being far too thick for mere cannon balls to damage.

"Hehe, we're getting close!" Said Diddy with a feral grin as he stared out the window and chewed the whole leg of a cooked deer, bones and all.