Chapter 352: Diddy's Return!

With Scar having kicked Bullet deep into the earth, we all used this chance of respite to regroup as all stood together, preparing for when he decided to fight once more since there was no way someone like him would be so easily defeated, especially not after all the information Sebas told us about.

"So, how the hell are we supposed to deal with him? His haki is monstrous, not quite at the level of Captains, but Freyja can't match him, and she's the strongest one here." Asked Scar with furrowed brows while rubbing his neck, having been attacked by Bullet earlier in the battle.

"Tch, such a stupid question; we'll deal with like we've dealt with every other enemy we faced… Defeat them with our superior strength." Stated Mael with a scoff as he glanced at Scar in annoyance while tightly clenching his golden axe.

"Hmph, oh, excuse me for trying to communicate a plan with my crew members; I forgot half of us were idiots." Said Scar in annoyance as he folded his arms and rolled his eyes, causing Sebas to nod while stroking his bearded chin.

"Hoho, that's what I've been trying to tell you, son; the Frenzy Pirates may be strong, but intellect isn't their strong suit." Remarked Sebas with a faint chuckle as he glanced at Scar while his eyes shifted between Mael, Freyja, Grand, Chala, and Janet.

"Hey! I'm not stupid! I-I'm just not that smart either." Said Janet defensively as she narrowed her eyes at Sebas, who simply chuckled while raising his arms into the air.

"Tsk, shut it, Scar; I'm not interested in killing off your whole bloodline." Said Mael in slight anger as he side-glanced Scar, who narrowed his eyes before shaking his head and remaining quiet, being the bigger man, just like he always was.

"Shut up, Mael… He's coming." Said Freyja aggressively as she hit the back of Mael's head while walking forward, causing him to grunt angrily, though he shifted his focus to Bullet.

Just like his name, he leaped out of the deep creator like a speeding bullet and landed on the ground, though he didn't immediately attack; instead, he removed his shirt, revealing his muscular frame, which was on par with Grands. However, to the surprise of many, including myself, numerous metallic objects that littered the ground were suddenly lifted into the air before rushing toward Bullet; out of reflex, I turned and glanced at Kid, but he, too, was just as surprised as me.

'So he's got a devil fruit? Tsk, great.' Thought Freyja sarcastically with a click of her tongue as she fixedly stared at Bullet, who began to assimilate the numerous metallic objects into his body, specifcally around his arms.

After a few moments, Bullet had finished doing whatever he was doing, but now he looked slightly different, he was larger than before, not by much, but it was noticeable; however, the most striking difference were his massive, thick arms that looked as if they had been coiled in iron.

"Kahaha, I underestimated you, baby pirates; some of you can pack a punch. Especially you Insatiable, your bounty isn't doing you justice." Said Bullet with a feral grin, his body taking on a dark hue as he coated himself in haki, causing everyone to frown deeply.

"Heh, glad someone is able to see my strength, though it's unfortunate I must kill you. I don't need another maniac aboard the Frenzy Pirates; Chala is already the limit I can deal with." Remarked Freyja with a small smile as she flicked her hair behind her head and grabbed her hips, only to use her elongated nails to slit her throat while eyeing Bullet.

"However, let me show you little pirates real strength!" Stated Bullet with a massive grin as he eyed the numerous pirates of the worst generation from two years ago, only for Grand to once again come fearlessly charging toward him.

This time, none of us sat back and watched as we all lunged towards Bullet, intending to defeat him with all our combined might, uncaring for whatever powerup he had acquired.



"Urgh, bastard!" Said Freyja, wiping her mouth while eyeing the moderately injured Bullet, who was surrounded by unconscious pirates.

"Heh, among every pirate present, you really stand out, Insatiable." Said Bullet with a faint smirk as he slowly approached Freyja, who scoffed before lunging right back at him.

Slashing at him, which he blocked with his haki-clad arms, I pushed off them and kicked him in the face, yet even with my powerful haki; my attacks hardly managed to harm him; without conqueror infusion, I just couldn't reliably injure him. I was close to achieving it, I knew I was, I just needed a little bit more, something to get me over the last bump.

Flapping my wings, I quickly backed away while releasing a potent breath of demonic flames, yet he ignored them as if they didn't even exist before shoulder-charging me in the chest, causing me to cough blood as I was sent skidding across the ground.

"You know, Insatiable, I wouldn't mind having you as my Vice-captain." Said Bullet lightly as he glanced at Freyja, who was slowly standing up while leaking blood.

"Hmph, sorry, but until I rip that monkey's head off his shoulders, I'm not switching professions; besides, I don't think you're strong enough to warrant me to be your Vice-captain; that psychopath is strong, as much as I hate to admit." Remarked Freyja with a scoff before faintly smirking, her words causing Bullet to furrow his brows while his grin grew.

"Kahaha, then so be it; I'll just kill you instead!" Yelled Bullet with a feral grin while pushing off the ground, cracking it in the process as he dashed towards Freyja.

Clenching my fist, I responded in kind, punching his fist while suppressing a grunt of pain as I was forced backward; leaping off the ground, I coated my foot in demonic flames and spun in the air to gain momentum while heading toward Bullet.

'Hell's descent!' Thought Freyja as she violently kicked Bullet in the head, causing a massive explosion of black flames to erupt, only for her body to be sent flying into the distance.

"Tsk, annoying bastard." Muttered Freyja as she regained her bearings and coated her entire body in haki and demonic flames, further increasing her power while flapping her wings toward Bullet, who merely grinned.

Despite utilizing every technique in my arsenal and receiving vicious punishments for my numerous attacks, I only managed to make him wince in pain; I, on the other hand, was barely standing after taking so many of his conqueror's infused attacks.

"I constantly deal with a powerful maniac; this won't be enough to put me down." Said Freyja with a grin as she held her broken arm while wincing with every breath.

Stomping my foot onto the ground, I surged my demonic flames as I swiftly charged at him, leaving behind a trail of inky black flames that burned everything they touched.

"Kahaha! Det Sterkeste Strike!" Said Bullet with a massive grin as he dashed towards Freyja while his already massive arms grew in size once more.

"Naraka's Uprising!" Yelled Freyja as her flames grew in size, manifesting into the silhouettes of all her previously defeated enemies before they merged together and surrounded her leg.

Powerfully kicking Bullet with all of my strength, he responded by repeatedly punching my foot, causing me to grit my teeth as I pushed as hard as possible, trying to break through his relentless assault; however, after several seconds, I felt my leg finally give way as it snapped to the side, bending in a way that shouldn't be possible. 

What followed soon after was a large fist of incredible strength slamming into my body, yet it wasn't only once; it was many times; his powerful attacks caved my chest in as I violently coughed blood, only for him to finish things with one final punch that was much stronger than the numerous ones before that, knocking me out in the process.

"Heh, you can take quite the beating. Anyway, now that these little pirates have been dealt with, time to deal with the marines." Muttered Bullet lightly as he glanced at Freyja, his haki receding while his body returned to normal before he walked off, heading toward Delta Island, where the marines were fighting the pirates.



Opening my eyes, I gazed at the sunny sky while I floated in the surprisingly calm waters of New World; now, how did I know this was New World? Well, that would be from the massive sea king that had just emerged from the water, seemingly intending to eat me for a quick snake.

"Move." Said Diddy in annoyance as he narrowed his eyes, causing the sea king to be engulfed in fear.

Watching the sea king submerge itself under the water, I closed my eyes and released a sigh of relief, only to faintly chuckle afterward; somehow, I had returned home after stupidly challenging the numerous nukes that would've, without a doubt, killed me.

"Tsk, though, with how injured I am, just about anything could kill me right now." Muttered Diddy with a slight frown as he gazed at his body, only to summon Nimbus, prompting it to float directly to his left.

Lifting my arms, I grabbed Nimbus and lifted myself onto my fluffy cloud; after taking a minute, I reached into Nimbus, intending to find the food I had stored inside of it since I had already planned ahead in case I happened to wake up grievously injured like previously. However, to my annoyance, there wasn't anything inside Nimbus; no food or clothes, which meant everything I had grabbed for Trenza wasn't there.

"Tsk, whatever." Said Diddy as he clicked his tongue, annoyed that his efforts now amounted to nothing.