
Sarada rushed to attack Yukira, making seals, then jumped up

"Katon: Hosenka no Jutsu." She released several fireballs from her mouth

Yukira dodged the attack by jumping aside. Suddenly, Sarada appeared and the exchange of blows began, Yukira tried to hit Sarada, but the brunette easily dodged the woman's blows. At one point, Sarada kicked Yukira in the stomach, throwing her a good distance away.

"You're quite strong, but you just fell into my trap"

Sarada noticed her standing around Yukira's scattered pieces of hair, after a while those pieces exploded

"Hahaha, you shouldn't underestimate me"

Suddenly Sarada appeared behind Yukira "It's probably you who shouldn't underestimate me"

"What, how is that possible? Genjutsu"

Before Yukira could turn around, Sarada punched her in the face, sending her crashing into a tree

"Damn, I can't move..."

Not far from here, Mitsuki was fighting Kayoto. The man used some technique, summoning several blades, then threw them at the Konoha genin. Mitsuki, using the wind style technique, changed the direction of the blades, making them fly in different directions. Kayoto grabbed the blades in both hands and went to attack Mitsuki, the white-haired teenager was blocking the attacks with his kunai

"You're just a kid, you don't stand a chance against us"

Suddenly Kayoto felt something wrap around his body as he turned around and noticed the other Mitsuki

"What?" When he looked again at Mitsuki in front of him, he turned into several snakes

Mitsuki tightened his hand on Kayoto's body making him lower his weapon, then he grabbed Kayoto's neck with his hand, the man didn't last long before he lost consciousness

Boruto was still tied to the pole, but he could hear the sounds of fighting

"What's going on there, if only I could get out of here somehow."


Hearing a familiar voice, Boruto looked in that direction and saw Miyuki

"Miyuki what are you doing here?"

"I followed your friends until I got here, I came to save you."

"That was very unreasonable, but since you're here, help me free myself from these ropes, there's a kunai in my pocket, and pull it out."

Miyuki approached Boruto and after a while pulled out a kunai, then started cutting the ropes

At the same time, Varino approached Konohamaru, who was sitting motionless

"You're giving up already, I thought you'd last longer"

Suddenly, Varino received a blow to the chin from Jounin, then Konohamaru kicked the man to the stomach, throwing the man several meters back


Konohamaru's appearance changed, ears became more pointed, black circles appeared around his eyes, a monkey tail grew on his back

"It's been a long time since I last used monkey sage mode"