
It was a quiet night, after a long conversation Sarada and Mitsuki went to sleep in their tents, while Boruto was still sitting by the fire, at some point the blond noticed a nearby lake, the blond went there and undressed and jumped into the water. A few moments later, Sarada woke up wanting to switch places with Boruto so he could get some sleep, but she didn't notice him outside

"Has he gone already?" she thought until she heard the splashing of water

Sarada walked towards the lake and noticed Boruto swimming, a blush appeared on her cheeks and her mouth watered seeing the muscular body of her childhood friend

"Oh Sarada, are you wake up already?" The girl didn't say anything, she just looked at Boruto as if hypnotized "HEY SARADA, I'M TALKING TO YOU!" he shouted, splashing Sarada with water

"What, why did you do it?"

"Because you didn't respond when I talked to you"

"Sorry, I just wanted to change you so you could get some sleep"

"There's no need, since you're already here, why don't you join me"

"What, but it's the middle of the night, aren't you serious?"

"Absolutely, it's a good temperature"

"I don't know..."

Boruto, seeing Sarada's uncertain face, plunged into the water and swam to the shore, then stuck out his hands, grabbing Sarada's legs and pulled her into the water

"YOU IDIOT, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Sarada screamed, trying to hit Boruto

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I had to encourage you to get into the water somehow, dattebasa"

Sarada was mad at Boruto at first, but it showed her that there was still that old Boruto inside him that she knew when they were younger.

"You know, I don't think you've really changed"

"What do you mean?" Boruto tilted his head to the side

"That you still act like an idiot, although less often than before"

"Are you going to swim with your clothes on or will you take them off?"

Sarada noticed that she was still wearing her clothes, the black-haired kunoichi came out of the water, taking off her soaked clothes which she hung on a tree branch, Sarada, now only in her underwear, walked hesitantly towards the water. Boruto admired Sarada's body, it had certainly changed in the last three years, suddenly Sarada tripped over a rock and started falling into the water.

"Be careful!" Boruto swam closer trying to catch Sarada, but she fell on top of him, suddenly they both felt their lips touch.

"WHAT THE HELL!" they both thought as they kissed

"I'm kissing that idiot, but it's not that bad" Sarada said mentally

"Oh no, she's going to kill me, but I don't want to stop it"

Before Boruto and Sarada knew it, they deepened the kiss and their tongues intertwined, only when they ran out of air did they break the kiss.

"Sarada I..." the blonde started

"It was my first kiss, you better take responsibility" Sarada said, blushing