
Next day...

After defeating Shibai, all residents returned to their daily duties, all Kage came to Konoha to discuss the recent events

"So you're telling the Hokage that we were all trapped in the god tree?" Darui asked

"Yes, Shibai Otsutsuki also called God Otsutsuki was the most powerful being I have ever seen, even me and Sasuke were unable to do anything" replied the Hokage, explaining the whole situation earlier

"It's unbelievable that your son was able to defeat him, how powerful has he become?" Kurotsuchi added

"From what I noticed, Boruto managed to master the divine power, thanks to which he defeated Shibai"

At the same time at the Uzumaki house

"Mom, I'll go wake up my older brother, it's already noon, dinner will be ready soon" Himawari announced.

"There's no need, Boruto is tired after the battle, let him sleep as long as he needs"

Meanwhile, Boruto was still sleeping in his room, only after about two hours did he start waking up

"It was a good dream, what time is it?" when Boruto looked at the clock, he was surprised "It's already so late?"

Boruto quickly put on his clothes and went downstairs, his family was already waiting for him

"You're finally awake, I thought you'd be sleeping all day, dattebayo" Naruto said

"Sit down, I'll heat up your dinner in a moment" Hinata added

While Boruto was eating, Naruto decided to ask him about his new power

"So Boruto, what was that power you used in the fight against Shibai"

"I called the first form Shinobi God and the second form Shinobi God Limit Breaker. During training with Toneri, it turned out that as an Otsutsuki I had divine chakra, when I learned to control it I could take this form with white hair" explained Boruto

"I confirm" Himawari added

"You have truly become a powerful shinobi"

After eating dinner, Boruto decided to go for a walk around the village, a moment later he noticed Sarada running towards him

"Hi Sarada"

"Do you have a moment?"

Sarada led Boruto to Hokage Mountain, the two of them just happened to arrive there just as the sun was setting

"Why did you bring me here?"

Sarada was silent for a moment before she said "Do you remember what happened between us before the fight with Yosaru?"

Boruto tilted his head to the side, remembering his kiss with Sarada " Sarada about that kiss, it was..."

"Shut up, it was my first kiss, you have to take responsibility for it, you promised..."

"Why do you care so much about this?"

A blush appeared on Sarada's cheeks "Because I love you, baka Boruto!"

Sarada tried to hide her face but was surprised when Boruto leaned in and kissed her, Sarada immediately kissed her back, wrapping her arms around the blonde's neck.

"I feel the same about you"

"So we're a couple now?"

"Hehehe, it looks like it"