Chapter 40 Playing for the first time in the new house

Sant'Elia, the stadium of Cagliari, a stadium that seats 16,000 people, built in 1070, was used by Cagliari because their new stadium, the Is Arena stadium, was still being built and with the purchase of Usman, the completion of the stadium itself would end up being delayed

With the last victory over Sampdoria, the Cagliari team was in 4th place in the league with 40 Pts in 20 games, 11 Pts behind the unreachable leader Internacionale

With the time between the last game and the next game Usman took this time to get information from the league's Artillery leaders

1st CF Sau Cagliari 14 Goals

2nd CF Klose Lazio 13 Goals

2°CF Di Natale 13 Goals

4th SS M.Zarate 12 Goals

5th Acquafresca Bologna 11 Goals

5th International Sneidjer and 11 Goals

5th SS Miccoli Palermo 11 Goals

6th CF D.Milito Internacionale 9 goals

Looking at the list and seeing that the 1st place was a player from Cagliari Usman was surprised, because the team was stronger than he thought it would be after that he checked the list of assists

1st AMF Cossu Cagliari 5 Assists

2nd AMF Hernanes Lazio 5 Assists

2nd SMF Nico Bertolo Palermo 5 Assists

2nd SMF Valiani Sienna 5 Assists

5° SS Vucinic Juventus 4 Assists

5th CMF Vidal Juventus 4 Assists

5th SS Robinho Milan 4 Assists

5th CMF Ekdal Napoli 4 Assists

As time passed, the day of the Cagliari vs Bologna match arrived.

Well guys today the team will only have a small change from who played in the last match

GK Agazzi 1

CB Aruaudo 3 Astori 13 RB Pisano 14 LB Danilo Avelar 8

DMF Conti 5 © CMF Nainggolan 4 Dessena 21 AMF Cossu 7

CF Nenê 18 and Pinilla 51

and the banks

GK Avramov 25 CB Camilleri 2 SB Smit CMF e Ekdal 20 SMF Eriksson 21 AMF Cepellini 32 CF Usman 10

Opponents are like this

GK Agliardi

CB Portanova, Natali and Sorensen

DMF Pulzetti and Krhin

LMF Guarente RMF Diego Perez

AMF Diamanti and Marti Riverola

CF Acquafresca

Have a great game for our 10,000 teammates in the stadium have a smile at the end of today

Cagliari starts attacking with Cossu who loses the ball to the Bologna team and has a dispute for it, returning the ball to Agliardi who sends the ball forward with a kick

Bologna's team maintains possession of the ball until Sorensen receives it and tries to pass Pinilla in which he is knocked down and the referee calls a foul

The team restarted the game hitting the free kick and the ball landed at the foot of Cagliari who tried an attack through the center with Conti driving the ball and losing it to Krhin who stole the ball, touched Fresca who lost to Araudo trying to dribble him and came back to catch the ball

He manages to reach the ball and touches Diego Perez on the left side of the field where he continues to drive the ball and crosses inside the area for Pulzetti who manages to kick the ball in an unnatural way sending it straight out while facing the goal

Agazzi restarted the game with a shot in which Bologna managed to secure possession of the ball and started another attack with Guarante taking the ball down the right side and crossing to Fresca who was inside the area

Fresca heads towards the goal, but the ball goes up and goes out

Agazzi restarts the game with a shot towards the center the ball is dominated by Gpolan who spins with it and touches Nene, Nene dominates the ball and passes it to Dessena who almost loses it for an appointment makes it 1-2 with Golan and touches Pisano who goes to the right edge and shoots the left side of the goal diagonally with a very short angle the goalkeeper manages to grab the ball and restart the game for Bologna

The ball leaves standing up until it reaches Cagliari's defense where Aruado steals the ball and the two teams continue without managing to endanger each other

1st half stats

Cagliari 0-0 Bologna

Kicks 1 x 1

Ball possession 47% x 53%

At the beginning of the second half, the ball started with Bologna and in Cagliari's team there was a change, with Pinilla leaving and Usman entering.

The ball starts being played to the rear then played to Fresca who dominates it in the chest and touches it to Marti who misses it, but the ball is left for Guarente who passes between 3 defenders but is blocked by Astori who steals the ball and touches Golan, after Usman lets the ball pass him and move on

Golan loses the ball to Pulzetti who starts an attack touching Guarante who loses the ball to Astori again, this time Astori touches the ball to Agazze who gives a Chutão to the midfielder and the ball is in Bologna's foot again

Where Fresca receives a pass, he touches Krhin who continues to lead the ball and tries a pass over the top into the area the Cagliari team manages to remove the ball and touches Pisano who touches the ball to the midfield in Dessena who places the ball at Cossu and the attack ends up failing giving the ball to Bologna restarts the game by the goalkeeper

Bologna's team manages to keep possession of the ball while going on the attack until Guarante tries a risky pass to Khrin where the ball is intercepted by Cagliari and reaches Cossu's foot

Cossu touches the ball to Usman who continues with the ball dribbling Portanova and driving towards the attack until he gets close to the edge of the area and passes the ball to Nene who shoots at the goal and the ball hits the post on the right side and goes to the left side where For]seren catches the ball and kicks it wide

After launching to Usman's side, Usman retreats to try to pass by Khrin and enter the area on the left end diagonally to the goal but the ball is lost and it is left to Dessena who takes the ball, turns his body, facing the direction of the goal and crosses into the area at the head of the Golan

Golan jumps and heads the ball into the left corner of the goal

Goooooooooooooooooooooll!!!!! from Cagliari in the 77th minute in the 2nd half Cagliari increase the score to 1-0 the fans at Sant'elia go wild Cagliafi is among the top 5 in the league standings and remains strong for the first time in 40 years

Bologna restarts the game playing for Krhin

Who makes a long pass to Fresca who dribbles past Dessena and Conti and touches Diamanti

Diamanti holds the ball and launches over to Pulzetti attacking on the left side of the field he is stopped by Pisano , but manages to pass and enter the area he touches to Diamanti who returns the ball to the entrance of the area that ends up being removed with a header by Keep sending her to midfield

Bologna's team even manages to get the ball but can't keep it, thus starting Cagliafi's attack with Danilo's pass, but Danilo misses the pass and the ball returns to Bologna's foot who tries again to attack in stoppage time with Diamanti

Diamanti does not find anyone in front and passes the ball back to Usman who takes the ball and keeps it in the center of the midfield until the final whistle blows, ending the game with the end of that game and Cagliafi winning they end up in 3rd place with 43 Pts behind Milan and Inter