Chapter 80 New Year 2014

O que aconteceu com você para abrir os braços em campo no meio de campo. (Cossu) Bem, eu estava desestressando. (Usman) Sim, mas sua expressão foi muito feliz quando ele abriu os braços. (Cossu) Simplesmente porque conseguimos mais 1 vitória no jogo de hoje estou muito feliz com isso, ao mesmo tempo estou muito estressado, simplesmente dominamos e esmagamos eles em campo durante os 90 minutos do jogo, mas só conseguimos marcar 1 gol mesmo depois de 11 chutes a gol, simplesmente não lembro quando foi a última vez ou último jogo em que isso aconteceu, mas sei que simplesmente essa quantidade de erros não pode ser demonstrada em nenhum jogo, ganhando, empatando ou perdendo, cometer esse tipo de erro praticamente me deixa mais irritado do que não conseguir finalizações, porque simplesmente temos que fazer todo o trabalho de poder driblar, criar uma jogada, entrar na área, encontrar posicionamento, confundir os zagueiros adversários para que no final a gente acabe chutando para fora ou chutando para o goleiro pegar. (Usman) Isso me deixou muito frustrado. (Usman) Sim, mas isso é algo que pode acontecer em um jogo. Eles também treinam todos os dias e se preparam fisicamente, emocionalmente e psicologicamente para nos enfrentar. Seria estranho para nós sermos capazes de marcar todos os gols que atiramos ao gol. (Cossu) Não é isso que estou a dizer, estou a dizer que criámos muitas oportunidades e falhámos em quase todas, temos simplesmente de dar mais remates e reduzir o número de remates, porque para sermos campeões temos de ser capazes de jogar vários jogos em plenas condições. Físico e mental, tentando estar 100% em todos os jogos até sermos campeões, porque depois de sermos campeões, praticamente nossa equipe não vai conseguir manter o mesmo ritmo com a nossa capacidade, então temos que manter o máximo de vitórias em sequências e vencer na menor quantidade de jogos. (Usman) Isso é mais difícil do que você pensa. (Daniele Conti) Que? (Usman) Vitórias seguidas, vitórias consecutivas chamam a atenção de tudo que nos coloca mais pressão para mantê-las, pois as equipes vão tentar de tudo para tirá-las de nós. (Daniele Conti) Mas? (Usman) Simplesmente quando criamos uma forma de conseguir vitórias consecutivas com maior risco de jogadores se lesionarem, à medida que as equipas começam a criar formas de nos parar da pior forma possível, jogando agressivamente não atrás da bola, mas atrás das jogadas e dos jogadores que o faz A nossa equipa tem mais desvantagens do que pensa. (Continuação) Ok. (Usman) Bem, não vamos falar sobre isso, vamos apenas nos concentrar em se divertir na festa de Ano Novo. (Continuação) Você tem algo planejado ou vai participar da festa que o clube vai criar? (Continuação) O clube vai fazer festa? (Usman) Sim, vai haver festa, estamos simplesmente a ir muito bem no campeonato e na taça que estamos a participar, a equipa está a decidir fazer uma festa para festejar o resultado positivo da equipa e a boa fase desta época. (Daniele Conti) Bem, acho que vou falar com Sofia para saber sobre isso. (Usman) Então eu vou te ver na festa, meus filhos estão querendo muito te conhecer. (Daniele Conti)After the game ended and Usman left the stadium heading towards Sofia to take his photo after the game.

Come on, raise your smile and now take a photo. (Sofia)

Sofia I have to have a question about something. (Wilian Usman)

Speak. (Sofia)

I want to know if you would like to participate in the New Year's party the club will host? (Wilian Usman)

Why do you think not? As far as I know, the best way for you to become better known or more popular is to participate in events like this. (Sofia)

So what does that mean? (Wilian Usman)

Yes, we will participate. (Sofia)

While they were talking, Usman was simply returning home for the first time with his own car, as obviously he was forced by Sofia to use it, as he was being paid to show it at least to do it properly.

This time he would be going as formally as possible to the party as he would be accompanied, so Sofia and Aliyu chose his clothes, when they made a video call from one to the other.

Now we are ready to go. (Sofia)

Alright let's go. (Wilian Usman)

They arrived at the party location and gave the car keys to the valet.

As they entered together they noticed that most of the guests were practically stopping talking to watch their entrance.

Here you are, my little king. (Ivo)

Speak boss. (Wilian Usman)

It's great to have you two here at the party, I hope you talk, enjoy and have fun. (Ivo)

Thank you (Wilian Usman)

Thank you Mr. Ivo (Sofia)

Now go, go, follow the path.

Gladiator you really came. (Daniele Conti)

But it was you who told me about the party and invited me. (Wilian Usman)

Let me introduce you these are my children Manuel my first son a talented boy with balls at his feet who one day wants to be a football player. (Daniele Conti)

And this here is my youngest Bruno who came today and is very happy that you came, he wants to take a photo with you and he wants to get an autograph. (Daniele Conti)

I ask your permission sir Usman can you give me an autograph? (Bruno Conti)

Why wouldn't it be possible, come here, let's take a photo too. (Wilian Usman)

Mr Usman, can I get one too? (Manuel Conti)

Of course you can win too. (Wilian Usman)

Thank you, Gladiator. (Daniele Conti)

That's it, captain, you took good care of me upon my arrival here. (Wilian Usman)

Hahaha that's a good one. (Daniele Conti)

Speaking of which, where are the others? (Wilian Usman)

That's right they were talking to each other as Radja and Daniele brought their wives they are accompanying them to the party in a little while they should return and in the meantime Davide is simply eating. (Daniele Conti)

Speaking of them, look at them coming over there. (Daniele Conti)

Good evening, the 4 who arrived spoke to the group that was talking.

This here is my wife. (Radja Nainggolan)

Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Claudia. (Claudia Nainggolan)

Pleasure to meet you. (Wilian Usman)

Nice to meet you. (Sofia)

Now that you've met Radja's wife, let me introduce my wife. (Andrea Cossu)

Nice to meet you, I'm Carlotta Cossu. (Carlotta Cossu)

We have to schedule another day for us to meet again while you are still playing in Italy. (Claudia Nainggolan)

Well, it will be really interesting for us to meet again to go on a tour, especially with the team's classification, people would like to know more than just photos of the players training and photos of the players on the field, so we can simply schedule 1 or 2 meetings a month to guarantee interesting photos for the fans and wonderful memories for us. (Sofia)

I can't tell if this is a good thing or a scary thing that's happening right now. (Carlotta Cossu)

At this moment the group was talking and having fun with the conversation they were having until the hired singer started to sing.

With You Partirò

When I sleep alone

Sogno all'orizzonte

And mancan le parole

If it's just che non c'e luce

In a stanza when limping the sole

If I don't know, you're with me, with me

If you (Usman) are not with me, with me! (??)

Su le finestre

Open the Windows! (??)

Show me everything in my heart

I show everyone my heart! (??)

Che hai access

That Usman lit! (??)

Chiudi inside me

Closed inside me! (??)

La luce che

The light that! (??)

There is no contract on the road

We found it along the way!! (??)

I will leave you

With Usman I will leave! (Davide Astori)

Paesi che no mai

Countries I have never seen and lived in! (Davide Astori)

How did you like my tribute? (Davide Astori)

So I'm jealous, I've been on this team for over 10 years and it's the first time I've seen someone receive an honor in such a way. (Daniele Conti)

I have a question for you. (Sofia)

Which? (Davide Astori)

I recorded your tribute, can I ask to post the recording on the club page and on Wilian's social network? (Sofia)

Fine by me. (Davide Astori)

Well, I have a question. (Claudia Nainggolan)

Do you think you managed to get through at least the 1st round of the continental cup? (Claudia Nainggolan)

Why are you asking that? (Daniele Cossu)

Well most of you have never played in a cup at this level and haven't even played outside of Italy, that's why I'm asking. (Claudia Nainggolan)

Well, if I were to talk about it I'm focusing more on the game against Juventus now than against North East London in 1 month, so if we meet again before we play against North East London or after the game against Juventus, I'll get you say with certainty what will happen. (Wilian Usman)

Why? (Claudia Nainggolan)

If we manage to reach the semi-finals by beating Italy's biggest national team in the first round of the European Master Cup, it will be in the conversation. (Wilian Usman)

While they were talking about the future and having fun with hypotheticals, the party continued with the song Get Lucky being played.

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