Chapter 2

Adam woke up early the next morning around 6 o'clock. He quickly swept the entire house, as it wasn't very dirty and Mariya would also be going to school. He did his chores fast and quick; aware he had to wash the dishes that Mariya left unwashed the previous day. Using the excuse of having an assignment, meanwhile her and mum, were watching movie yesternight. He joined his mom in the kitchen to finish preparing the breakfast.

He did agree that the only thing not fun, about going to school and staying at home is the chores. Just as his dad always says "you can't have everything you want; you have to make sacrifices to attain something, or you would have to forego something to pursue another ". It was true. When there was no school, he had fewer chores but was burdened with the stress of assignment and limited time for rest or play. Now without school to worry about, he had lots of time for leisure and rest, but more house chores to worry about.

By 7, the whole breakfast was done, he served dad and mum, has mum have left earlier to dress up. After greetings and finishing the food, His dad gave him some instruction. After which He opened up the car gate for them, as they drove off.

Another boring day

Back to his normal routine, playing games, reading novels, having gist with Yusuf. But with additional thought on what to learn. With the fact, he planned to major in Agriculture Engineering. He was really lost on what to do.

Maybe I should check the net, for skills to learn, he checks towards skill to learn on mobile phone or on laptop. he ended up with; Coding/Programming, Graphic Design, Video Editing, Digital Marketing, Data Analysis, Photo Editing, SEO Optimization, Social Media Management, Blogging, Animation, Cyber Security, Copywriting, and Writing/ Storytelling.

Looking at this long list, he was quite lost. It seems harder than he thought. While the biggest problem of all, would be what are this skill all about, how, or where would he learn them from.

Thinking of himself, he is only quite good at reading, he might as well just be a writer. It seems more easy compare to others and he is already conversant with products of writers. After weeks of brooding over it, Adam discusses his thoughts with his mum, who happened to not be against it, but very happy he chooses to learn a skill. She even encourages him further on why, it's very important to learn a skill.

"Nice you decided to learn a skill, learning a skill, helps to boost your Confidence and self-esteem. As one gain proficiency in a particular area, you learn to be independent as you rely on yourself to accomplish task" she told him joyfully.

"You would also find it's easy to connect with people, who share similar interest allowing you to foster healthy relationship and grow a supportive network of like-minded people." She emphasized looking at him, knowing her son isn't that social. Maybe this would help. She silently prayed.

With this added reason, Adam confirmed his zeal to learn the art of storytelling.

He did some research on how to be a writer and, started writing a thing or two. He added writing to his schedule. He created a Facebook Page: Story Blog get himself some couple of readers. Which he finds quiet fun and a way to horn his skill. He had always read people stuff. He is finally writing something also. He also gets to learn how much stress writer put into their work. He silently promised himself, not to ever criticize books or works again.

More weeks passed and Adam realizes he had learned a lot from Writing, His Communication skills have improved, he could now express is thoughts in a more novel way, he no longer feel stress, or anxiety, he can freely pour his emotion into writing after feeling tired of game, and he quiet realize he enjoy doing research on what to add to make his novel interesting.

But Mason also realizes Writing takes his time, he no longer spends more time on gaming, and somehow, it quietly replacing his gaming, it quiet frustrating till now he hadn't made a work so good like those he does read. Writing is also very tiring, it drains you mentally and emotionally, he also come to understand that, writing can and would be criticized, no matter how good it is.


Well, he would just enjoy it. As a cool hobby, it is.