Chapter 4

Adam later joins, his bros and got back to the hostel. They accompanied their new female friends, back to their dorm. while they went back to theirs, all this time Adam thinking of something else. The next day, falling to a weekend. He chatted with Shalom for long. And then plan to meet up at night. while he dresses up and join Matilda in the library, but this time. He couldn't wait till night.

At night, which so happen, to have a full moon. he went out and he and Shalom, had quiet some fun. She happens to love to read novels too and a big fan of history. And they both had fun, talking about storytelling. they ended up playing chess. which he happens to lose, but accept defeat willingly. He sees, nothing bad. In losing to a beautiful girl. Then plan to meet, the next day. after walking her back to their dorm.

He was back to the hostel. From which he chatted with his best friend Yusuf about school life. And his new friend, and roomies. His roomies, were not yet back. While he was making jest out by Yusuf, regarding Shalom. That punk got himself a beautiful girl and some good friends .and forget about him. If this isn't betrayal. What should this be called.

"This must be what one's first crush is like." Adam said to himself self-deprecatingly.

Lectures, kept going on, Adam, hadn't changed much, reading novels, at his free time and can't wait to meet, up with Shalom, while they had, great conversation together. he leaves his dorm, more frequently, after which, he was grilled for answers by Philip, which he denied anything. he really does not want to be laughed at, by them. And been called a lover boy. While the school stress seems to fade away just by Being with Shalom. This is really magical.

Today was quite nice, Adam and Shalom were walking side by side on the street on the busy street inside the school campus.

he had finally decided today won't go by, he had to confess, his feeling for Shalom. Yusuf had pushed him also assuring him. It won't necessarily go unwell. For she might actually like him too.

The night wind was cold as well. There weren't too many students on the street, but has Adam and Shalom chatted, they totally ignored the people on the street.

To be able to take a walk with the girl he liked on a cold night was quiet romantic. the two of them continued to stroll in the street.

"Adam do you have a girlfriend?" Shalom suddenly asked, before saying in a soft voice "You must have one already"

"I do not, definitely do not "Adam quickly said

Hearing his words, Alice fell silent .

"Shalom, do you have a boyfriend? Adam dithered for a while and finally got the question out."

Shalom face suddenly become red "I don't have a boyfriend?"


Adam took a deep breath, then suddenly said, "Then how about you be my girlfriend?"

" Um…. Shalom looked up at Adam in surprise, as though she had been stunned silly. Adam was just chatting normally with her, all of a sudden, he asked her out. He was too direct.

"You want me to be your girlfriend?" Shalom asked.

Right now, Adam felt that his heart was pounding so frantically that it was going to burst out of his chest. he had never been so frantic. "Yes. Are you willing?"

Shalom was quiet for a moment, and then she gently nodded.


Excited, Adam couldn't help but enfold Shalom in a deep embrace

Unbeknownst to him, he had gotten to the four bros, popular cafeteria. From the window side. Nas called out, is that not Adam. Philp and Bash head, pop out, from the window. Fuck, when did Adam got himself, a beautiful girl. He betrayed the bro code. Not telling us a thing. Was he not supposed to be in the library, no wonder he had been leaving the hostel more than usual, my hunch was right. Let's get back early today. He really has lots of explanation to do.

It was 11 am, when he got back to his dorm, per the habit, the others should be returning, and if they happen to be in the hostel, they should have retired to sleep.

But he saw, 3 of them on his bed, glaring at him as he stepped in., he couldn't help but ask "what you all doing here"

"You ask me why we are all here?" Philip began to chortle. Scheming looks were on the faces of Bash and Nas as well, and they began to creep closer to Linley.

"Tell!" Philip stared at him. "Who was that beauty who you were with today?"

"Quick, tell!" Nas and Bash also demanded.

"Whu….you guys…?" Adam was totally flabbergasted.