Abel - Like A Boss

"Where the hell is Andrew?" I barked, running a hand rapidly through my hair. "He should be here. Fuck, he has to be here. This meeting can't take place without him."

"No idea where he is," Father shrugged, yawning. "Man, I'm so exhausted. It's well past three in the morning and we all haven't had a wink of sleep all night. Make this snappy."

"I thought Andrew had come home. I didn't realize — "

Father cut me off, raising his brow in question. "Why would you think that? You of all people should know that Andrew is the last person that'll be welcomed under my roof. Not with all that he's been doing lately."

I sighed. "Well, I spoke with him last night. He was at the Williams family house to see Helen Williams."

Father bunched up his fists, his lips tightening. "Why the hell would he want to see that woman? He loathes her."