Abel - Humbled Princess

"Last chance to tell me everything, little bro. It's for your good."

"It's going to be a peaceful meeting, right? You have nothing to worry about. Go get everyone under control, now. I'll see you when it's time for the meeting."

"Suit yourself."

I strode out of the room, taking no detours to see how my Father and Andre were doing, and heading straight for Lana's room.

She and Helen sat side by side on the bed conversing in low tones when I walked in. Feeling guilty, Lana shot me a nervous smile, getting up at once.

I looked past her at Helen. "The meeting is downstairs, not here," I said, then turned to Lana. "You disobeyed me."

"I had to talk to her first, Abel. She's my sister."

"Why do you always miss the point every fucking time? It's driving me to my limits," I said.